Astrology Reports
12/24/2017 December 2017December 2017
We are in the final days of 2017. And, as we reflect back on the last 5 years, since the opening of the ascension window, it’s been a very long, challenging, and transformative time. Which seems like many lifetimes ago. This ongoing process has, in some ways, seemed like a very strange, difficult, and multilayered dream, that has brought us to this now moment. And, for those of us on the awakening path, it has been like awakening from within the dream. December 2012 marked the official opening of the ascension window. And, regardless of when we were activated, we have gone through many deaths during this process. Initiated by the fires of purification, death, rebirth, and transformation; over and over again. The past 5 years have essentially been a bonfire; the dismantling, and destruction, of everything we previously believed to be true. And, while this has been a difficult, and painful, process, it has also been one of coming home. As the higher frequencies continue to flood the planet, we continue to be more supported. And, while challenging, what remains strong, amidst the chaos and debris, is the truth. The truth, and love. During our awakening, the truth of our reality is revealed. All that was hidden, beneath veils of illusion, continues to all fall away. However, while we are witnessing what is happening externally, this is also an internal process. It’s a very up close and personal process; even though we are going through this together. And, while there is chaos externally, there is also chaos internally. In order to break through, and collapse, our internal control structures, patterns, and beliefs. Especially heightened during certain activations, and purification phases, of this journey. And, an important part of this process, is returning to our own inner child, to face the truth of where we have deceived, abandoned, and neglected ourselves. The journey of awakening, and freedom, is not free. And, not easy. It takes courage, and strength, beyond what we previously believed possible. As wave after wave of higher frequencies, and light, continue to reveal the truth. About our reality, about ourselves, and humanity, as a whole. Current transits as we approach 2018 While preparing for this astrology update, I’ve received many messages. But, there’s also so much happening, on every level. Including the demands, and responsibilities, of our physical lives. Everything is so accelerated, as we move towards 2018. Our perception of “time” has been dramatically changing during this process. And how we interact in the various time fields, including our physical reality, has also been changing. At this point in the bifurcation, and ascension, we are all experiencing rapid acceleration, and consciousness expansion. As we are about to step into 2018, and moving towards the cosmic reset. Even those newly activated, and awakening, are being fast-tracked, and supported in their process, due to the level of higher frequencies flooding in. As I was studying the astrology, I received some overarching themes regarding the transits, collective energy, and final days 2017. This is from my own guidance, and process. As always, only take what resonates, and feels supportive. The themes I received are transcendence, reunion, and zero point. Definitions of “transcendence”: the act of surpassing usual limits the state of being beyond the range of normal perception the state of being free from the constraints of the material world And, from the Ascension glossary, “transcendence”: Four Phases of Spiritual Evolution Phase Three- 3D Karmic Wheel Transcendence, Monadic Initiation In the ES context of the Ascension this is the Polarity Integrator Path of the Christos-Sophia which is the path of the 12D Ray and its 12D Holographic Blueprint, the Silicate Matrix. This leads to progressive spiritual development and stages of sacred marriage with God to eventually evolve into the Hieros Gamos or Risen Christos-Sophia. This is the path of God-Sovereign-Free or GSF. New Moon in Sagittarius, December 18, 2017 Saturn entered Capricorn, December 19, 2017 Mercury stationed direct, December 22, 2017 During the New Moon on December 18th, the Sun and Moon were in the final degrees of Sagittarius, at 26º. The last degrees of any sign are very intense, and accumulated energy. But, this was especially amplified, as the Sun and Moon were at galactic center, while conjunct Saturn, and squaring Chiron. Saturn, in the final degrees of Sagittarius, entered Capricorn the following day (December 19). And, Mercury was at 13º Sagittarius, and stationed direct a few days later (December 22). During the New Moon, Mercury was at the end of it’s retrograde phase. And has been highlighting Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius, during the last three years. But, this Mercury retrograde also highlighted, and reviewed, our process over the past 5 years. The last few weeks have been very intense, reflecting on the work we have done, to heal, release, and move forward, in our ascension process. Perhaps asking questions, about our beliefs, intentions, and ability to embrace the unknown, as we step into 2018. Anywhere we still find resistance or attachments to old stories and lower time fields. Which we need to release as we move towards the new year. The sabian symbol for 26 Sagittarius: PHASE 266 (SAGITTARIUS 26°): A FLAG BEARER IN A BATTLE. KEYNOTE: The nobly accepted subservience of the individual to collective values and goals. A flag symbolizes an organized collectivity of human beings, a nation or even a social class. In the old-fashioned type of battle, whoever carries the flag has to feel himself the representative of the integrity and unity of his group. His personal life and his welfare should therefore be totally submerged in and identified with the welfare of the "greater Whole" of which every person can act as a conscious and responsible agent for mankind. In substance, the symbol asks: "Are you ready to assume this role!" Saturn 0º Capricorn Saturn’s transit through Capricorn: December 19, 2017 - March 21, 2020 (with a retrograde July 1, 2020 - December 17, 2020) Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is known as the task master, planet of limitation, restriction, and external authority. We also understand Saturn’s role in collective mind control, and Saturn-Moon matrix. Saturn, which has been transiting Sagittarius since December 23, 2014, has just entered its home sign of Capricorn, on December 19th. Saturn, also known as Cronos in Roman mythology, rules “time”. Although, time, as we know, does not actually exist. It’s an artificial construct, used to imprison humanity, and disconnect us from our creative nature, and potential. Creativity does not function well in linear time. The sign of Capricorn, is a cardinal earth sign. It represents materialism, ambition, practicality, control, work, and the earthly plane. From an astrological perspective, Capricorn, is one of the less spiritual, and emotional, signs. But, very connected to the earthly plane. We all have Capricorn in our charts, and there are higher and lower octaves, as all the signs. It’s higher octave qualities are considered practicality, consistency, stability, discipline, and hard work. The Capricorn-Cancer axis, both cardinal signs, are polar opposites in the wheel of duality. Because our ascension process involves polarity integration, it’s important to understand these archetypes, and energies. And, how external authority, and polarity, within the 3D realm, has worked to keep us in separation. And, with Capricorn/Saturn, focused on keeping us busy with the responsibilities, and “practicality” of 3D, using our energy (consciousness) for these linear activities, leaves little “time” for our spiritual work, emotional connection, and healing. This pattern of opposition, and separation, of the Saturn-Moon matrix has left humanity stuck on the hamster wheel of reincarnation, and imprisonment. Disconnected from true spirituality, and vertical planes of higher consciousness. While trapped in the lower, fallen, time fields of duality, false religion, and collective mind control. We all have Capricorn somewhere in our charts. And, we also have these archetypes, and inorganic imprints, of false father, patriarchal control, and external authority. However, when making our way through the zodiac, while consciously participating, we understand/utilize these archetypes, influences, and energies, are also helping us break free, on our path of awakening. And continue, step by step (or house by house) in the astrological wheel, to move beyond the limitations, and influences of the lower time fields. Saturn has just entered his home sign of Capricorn, and will be there until 2020. Saturn’s been instrumental in the highjacking, and control, of human consciousness. The Saturn-Moon matrix artificially replacing divine union with anti-HG technology, and collective mind control. Karmic relationships, are not original or organic, to the divine human. These karmic relationships were inserted, during the planetary invasion, to perpetuate misery programming, and splitting of divine union. This highjacking and insertion of bi-wave technology, keeping humanity, and divine counterparts, in separation. This is the heartbreaking story of humanity. Which connects with Gaia timelines and Michael-Mary splitting. Which has been very amplified, and present, in my awareness and process lately. It’s interesting when looking at the higher timelines. Which we are aware of on the ascending path, but many in the sleeping population are not. Or, don’t believe are real. But, they are more real/organic, pre-invasion, than the current 3D reality. The lower timelines, and holograph, are so corrupted, distorted, and littered with artificial and NA technology. But this is ending, during the ascension cycle; breaking free during the bifurcation, and separation of worlds. As we continue to awaken, and reconnect, with the higher/future dimensional planes. Which includes HG union/reunion. And, there is so much happening/shifting in the monadic time fields right now. Saturn’s transit is an important energetic shift. Of course, there’s always higher and lower octaves in the astrology. But, with Saturn now in his home sign of Capricorn, this symbolizes many things. Some astrologers might say this represents manifestation becoming much slower, and/or difficult (because Saturn/Capricorn’s lack of creative energy, and flow). While this may be a potential, I don’t necessarily see it the same way. Others might say that levels of commitment, and maturation, will impact those areas of our lives (and charts) where we have Capricorn. This may also, from another perspective, be true. However, as always, I tend to interpret/perceive the astrology primarily from an ascending perspective. This is always my intention. And, integrate what I understand through my own current awareness, process, and higher guidance/perspective. And, again, please only take what resonates and supports your current process. First of all, anyone with a Capricorn Sun, or strong Capricorn in their chart, you are blasting through these archetypes, and lower field structures, during your awakening process. This is true for all of us, regardless of our Sun signs, and birth charts. However, we all have Capricorn somewhere in our charts. And, we have all incarnated into this fallen system, dealing with these archetypes, and patriarchal structures. From our biological parents, ancestral lines, and multitude of self appointed (service to self) external authorities, and control structures, in 3D. But we are here to awaken, and break free…from the inside out. And, when we connect with the higher dimensions, and higher aspects, we connect with laws and structures beyond the limitations, and restrictions, of the 3rd dimension. When we connect with Universal Cosmic Law, this overrides inorganic/patriarchal law, and control structures in the lower time fields. Potentially, in the lower/descending timelines, Saturn entering Capricorn could be perceived as a sort of creative/spiritual lockdown, with this transit. However, in the higher octave, this could be interpreted as stepping into spiritual maturity, and responsibility. We can also interpret this transit, along with everything else happening right now, as those of us on the ascending path stepping further into our roles. Providing support and guidance to others as they continue to awaken. We are also approaching the cosmic reset; and events that may be challenging, or confusing, for those still asleep/unconscious, and various stages of awakening. But, we are all processing these ongoing phases of illumination, and revelation. Continuing to reveal the truth, as waves of increasing frequency, and light continue to accelerate. December 22, 2017 Mercury stationed direct - review of Mercury retrograde through Sagittarius Since Mercury began it’s retrograde, we have been in a deeply reflective, and integrative, phase. Mercury has been retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius, as Saturn was about to leave. This marks the official end of Saturn’s three year transit through Sagittarius. Saturn entered Capricorn on December 19, and will be there until 2020. Mercury’s retrograde assisted the collective consciousness with a review of Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius. Reflecting on what we have learned, how we have grown, experienced greater responsibilities, and/or exhausted by them. Also, perhaps where we have been limited, hit walls of resistance, restriction, or external control structures. Depending on where we have Sagittarius in our charts, may indicate where we have experienced more demands on our time, energy (consciousness), and focus, within the construct of our physical reality. And, constriction of linear time, due to external pressure, or expectations. The recent Mercury retrograde was especially intense. Because it initiated a reflection on Saturn’s 3-year journey through Sagittarius, which was a difficult, challenging, transit. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, seeks expansion, freedom, truth, adventure, spirituality, greater meaning, and higher purpose. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, seeks control, discipline, respect, achievement, material accumulation, social position, and the 3D world. So, having Saturn in Sagittarius was like having our bags packed for the greatest adventure, but Saturn sitting at the doorway (and galactic center), telling us we are not allowed to leave. That we have responsibilities, and never-ending demands that we must continue to meet, and obligations of 3rd dimensional reality. However, we are breaking free from bi-wave consciousness, and getting off the hamster wheel. Which has no real purpose, other than feeding the system by harvesting humanity’s energy/focus/consciousness. Because the bi-wave system of 3D has no actual goal, resolution, or end point. It’s the inertia itself, which is the point (from the control system's perspective). And, so (using my analogy again), we all have our bags packed, and are pushing Saturn aside, so to speak. We are awakening, and breaking free from collective mind control. We have already started the greatest adventure; and it’s called the ascension cycle. Sagittarius, Chiron, Healing our Collective Consciousness Because Saturn has just left the sign of Sagittarius, and Mercury retrograded over those important degrees, I though it appropriate to include Chiron, which also includes Saturn. The symbolism is relevant to our own healing, and humanity as a whole. The sign of Sagittarius represents many things, including, as I mentioned, our spiritual and religious beliefs, adventure, truth, and freedom. But, it can also represent some of our emotional wounds, and opportunity for healing. It can also be interpreted, as a sign of duality, polarity integration, and self acceptance. Sagittarius is a multilayered, and complicated sign, with higher and lower octaves, as all the signs. It is represented by the Archer, with his arrow. But also the centaur, and Chiron. When interpreting the sign of Sagittarius, we also understand the healing potential it holds. Sagittarius is generally considered a more optimistic sign; or one that intends to aim higher (with the archer’s arrow), towards truth, freedom, greater meaning, and knowledge. And, Chiron is a powerful archetype, which we can utilize through the sign of Sagittarius. Chiron When interpreting Chiron’s story, we understand, on some level, or aspect, the story of humanity. And, provides more stepping stones in our journey of awakening, healing, acceptance, and self love. With the archer’s arrow included in the symbology of Sagittarius, and Chiron, we all have the potential to aim higher. But in order to do so, we must break free from the painful emotional wounds, and patterns, that seek to keep us wounded, imprisoned, and disempowered. In mythology, Chiron was the son of Saturn, and child born of rape. Saturn/Kronos his father, and a nymph named Philyra, his mother. Philyra tried, unsuccessfully, to run away from Saturn, by temporarily disguising herself as a mare. When Chiron was born a centaur, his mother rejected him. He was eventually taken care of by Apollo, who provided mentorship. Apollo was known for his healing abilities, and was considered the god of music, poetry, and prophecy. Chiron later received another wound, when accidentally hit by arrow. As the story is told, Chiron became a powerful healer, mentor, and teacher for others. For everyone, that is, except himself. Because of his unhealed emotional wounds, and issues around abandonment, and rejection, he was unable to heal. And, became known as the wounded healer. Because he could not self heal, he could not self love. He came into the world, a result of violence, and subsequently rejected, abandoned, and wounded. Many of us, as we awaken, begin to regain memories. We also bring what was previously unconscious, into our conscious awareness. As we begin to experience self awareness, we start to emotionally heal. Which is necessary for true spiritual awakening. We cannot heal, until we remember or acknowledge our wounds. So, in this way, Chiron is part of humanity’s story, on some level. We must become our own healers, during this process. To parent our own inner child. Nobody can do this for us. We must face our fears, and our deepest emotional wounds. Which takes great courage, and strength. I thought I would share a sabian symbol for today, December 25, 2017. I have chosen Neptune, currently at 11 Pisces. PHASE 341 (PISCES 11°): MEN TRAVELING A NARROW PATH, SEEKING ILLUMINATION. KEYNOTE: The capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality. And, I’ve been drawn to some poetry lately. I would like to share this well known poem by Robert Frost, who was my mother’s favorite. It seems appropriate at this point in the bifurcation, as we approach 2018. “The Road Not Taken” Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. I am wishing you all a wonderful holiday season, filled with love, hope, peace, and true spirits of Christ...Purity, Generosity, Patience, Kindness, Discipline/Conservation, Diligence, and Humility. |
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