Astrology Reports
Fear as the Bioweapon - Mind control the contagion
We celebrate Easter every year around the same time, although the date fluctuates slightly as it occurs on the 1st Sunday following the Full Moon in Aries, after the vernal equinox. As we know, Easter represents resurrection, rebirth, and regeneration, and celebration of the Sun’s return. As a cardinal fire sign, and the first astrological house of the zodiac, Aries initiates seasonal change with the welcoming of Spring, and opportunity for a new beginning. Easter is preceded by Lent, a six-week period symbolizing the biblical story of Jesus and his journey through the wilderness without food, and water, and tempted by satan. Lent replicates this story through fasting, prayer, penitence, and preparation for Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday, started by the Roman Catholic Church, with the ritualistic marking of foreheads with (repentance) ash. Obviously, what is accomplished with this holiday is using this biblical story to control the population, support the negative alien agenda, and bind us through deep religious programming related to crucifixion, fear of death, obedience, and submission. Symbolically and systematically shutting down our natural divine connection, higher sensory abilities, and reinforcing the mind control programs of sin, shame, unworthiness, and keeping us on our knees praying to false god alien software program. This alien construct (beast machine) has controlled and traumatized humanity through energy harvesting, soul fracturing, satanic ritual abuse, and a bi-wave system keeping us trapped in a time loop, recycling back into the black hole prison system, and death cult, feeding a vampiric consciousness. Saturn (Capricorn 2017-2020) in it's home sign, battling the tail of the draconian/dragon, we are in a battle between worlds, the old world is crumbling as the new one struggles to be born, the war on consciousness is a war over timelines, and the future of humanity. We can build a new future if we choose the path of organic consciousness, and reunite together as one, choosing freedom over fear, and courage over apathy. Note: Saturn is currently at 1 Aquarius but will station retrograde in May, and back into Capricorn by July 1st…just in time for the Lunar Eclipse on July 5th, With Saturn currently in Aquarius we have a glimpse of the new world, of the possibilities that are available if we release our attachments to the karmic field, and unplug from the artificial grid that has held humanity hostage. The false sense of security, which triggers fear, is illusionary, and works against us. The cage is open, but the choice is we fly free by reclaiming our power, our sovereignty, and our future. Or, cling to the cage that has enslaved us. We are at the point now, as the war has finally arrived on the 3D playing field (in a way that more people are seeing it ), they are attempting to take over our planet, shut down humanity's access to organic consciousness, and our natural evolutionary process of ascension (freedom, sovereignty, and divine birthright). Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024) ruler of Scorpio, patriarchal/NAA collapse, collective and planetary dark night of the soul, transformation and rebirth. Pluto has worked directly with Uranus since 2012 to awaken humanity, dismantle old realities, bi-wave architecture, collective mind control, karmic cycles, and initiating our dark night of the soul on an individual, collective, and planetary level. Jupiter (Capricorn Dec 2019-Dec 2020) ruler of Sagittarius, and ancient ruler of Pisces, Jupiter helps us to dream bigger, and believe that anything is possible. It’s the planet of expansion, adventure, confidence, and possibility. It’s generally considered a benevolent planet, and transit, which it is. However, this can also be misleading because it’s the planet of expansion, which means it magnifies everything. This includes our beliefs, religious programming, attachments to bi-wave architecture, negative ego dismantling, FKOT, in the 3D material world. Especially, and very specifically, because it has been transiting Capricorn along with Pluto, Saturn, and the South node. Religion, Implants, and Programmingg Christianity has roots in paganism, and Easter is connected to the holiday Ostara, which celebrates Spring equinox, a time of rebirth, renewal, and return of the Sun, after the death cycle of winter. Christianity also has connections with Judaism, and according to Jewish tradition celebrates the observance of Passover, lasting 8 days and commemorates the story of exodus from Egypt in the old testament, and the Israelites’ journey from slavery to freedom. I mention these interwoven themes which highlight the transformational journey from darkness into light, and the quest for greater meaning, wisdom, and connection. And, the faith restored in the human heart with the return of the Sun. While all religions hold an element of truth, with overlapping messages of hope, comfort, and strength, they are packaged in distortions, hidden agendas, and the illusion of separation, which has kept us fragmented, and seeking something outside ourselves that is actually within. Religion was not created by God, and we do not need a middleman to provide what is divinely inherent in each of us. We are divine sparks of creative life force, and children of God. The Catholic Church, and self appointed hierarchy of religious control, specifically the Vatican, is the last remnant of the Roman Empire. Its hidden agenda which has been cloaked in darkness is part of a three prong system. The three corporations which have run the world are the Vatican, City of London, and Washington D.C. And, can be interpreted as the most nefarious and parasitic pyramid scheme. This group of psychopaths, satanic death cult, and negative alien agenda, which feed into this vampiric pyramid, have controlled the financial world, black magic money system, politics, draconian court system, foreign policy, food supply, natural resources, economy, media, education system, medical system, and the vast majority of the world’s entire wealth. Religion, in the name of a false-alien god, has been an intrinsic part of the mind control system, interfacing with the Armageddon software programs of war, cataclysm, pestilence, and fear. This has been used repeatedly, over and over again, like a broken record, or a television rerun from hell. And, has successfully maintained dominance through fear, bloodshed, and suffering. In a way, we can interpret religious holidays as smaller ritualistic false flag events, and part of the lockdown system, because they stir up the collectively consciousness, harvest a huge amount of energy, and give us a glimmer of collective hope (through implants and mind control) while actually pulling us further into mind control, the illusion of separation, and away from our exit point out. Bifurcation, and Separation of Worlds, Organic (Life) vs. Synthetic (Death) Realities Uranus in Aries (2011-2018) Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026) Uranus, the red pill, entrance to the Golden Age, Uranus was in Aries from 2011 - 2018, during which many of us were activated on a personal level to begin our awakening, and inner transformational work of healing, purification, and embodiment of cosmic consciousness. Uranus, now in Taurus, represents our opportunity and responsibility to both anchor and authentically express all the work we have done into our physical world, and manifested reality. Supporting others while continuing with our own process, speaking our truth, and making sure we do everything we can to support our collective climb out of the darkness. Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026, providing the opportunity for us to unite, take back control of our hologram, and consciously create our manifested world. As we master our minds, heal our hearts, and return to center at the unified field, we create a world brimming with possibility, and unlimited creative potential. The embodiment of cosmic Christ consciousness is the return to love, our divine origins, and true new beginning. Uranus, the ruler of the Aquarian Age, is the awakener, it's the planet of liberation, rebellion, and radical change. It seeks freedom, and expansion, but also justice, equality, and fights on behalf of the underdog. Individuals with strong Aquarius placements, and Uranian influence in their charts (although we each have Aquarius somewhere in our charts), can be perceived as cold, aloof, disconnected, and unpredictable. But, they can be misunderstood, and tend to be highly intelligent, perceptive, idealistic, and have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and personal growth. They are not interested in idle chit chat, or emotional drama, and the aloofness perceived by others can reflect their ability to see beyond the programming into the undercurrent of what is really going on. They are the individuals looking out at the world stage and asking themselves (and, anyone else who will listen) WTF is going on down here? As the great awakening continues, and more are being catalyzed by the current global situation, we can all relate to the Aquarian archetype, and choosing the red pill. Realizing that something is very wrong here on planet Earth, and we have to wake up, because the future of humanity, and the liberation of our planet depends on it. Bi-wave vs. Tri-wave Consciousness Lock down/AI timelines The Ascension window and Galactic superhighway During the bifurcation we make a choice, consciously or not, to align with ascending (organic) timelines, towards a future based on freedom, sovereignty, and cosmic sovereign law. Or, the descending option which is further down the black hole and hell realm of AI timelines, fragmentation, and consciousness obliteration. A completely synthetic reality, with no life, no potential, and no escape. However, as we heal our hearts and choose the natural/organic path of ascension, we set ourselves free. Reuniting with our true self, and god source within. We do not consent to mind control, AI timelines, global lock downs, bioweapons, fear, prison planet, or the annihilation of human consciousness. Sun in Aries - A new year, new decade, and brand new beginning, Spring Equinox March 19, 2020 Full Moon Aries, March 24, 2020 Sun (Aries) square Jupiter (Capricorn), Pluto (Capricorn), and Saturn (Aquarius), April 14, 2020 Taking a stand, Choosing Wisely, and Planting the Seeds for our Future The Sun entered Aries on March 19, the vernal equinox, which was the earliest one in 124 years. Today, the Sun is currently 25 Aries and squaring Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, and Saturn in Aquarius. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, representing the start of a new year astrologically, and season. Every year at this time, in the northern hemisphere (which western astrology is based) a new beginning is here with the arrival of Spring. We start planting seeds, and preparing the soil (soul) for what we envision to bloom in our garden. However, this year, and right now more than ever before, with the current global situation, in the midst of our planetary dark night of the soul, it’s essential we choose wisely, because the seeds we plant now will determine our harvest, our garden, and our future. The dark cabal and negative alien agenda would like humanity to take the bait, and plant the seeds of the hybridized bio-weapon called CV 19 to implement the New World Order. The still unawakened in the population have little understanding of what is actually happening, they are triggered by fear, tuning in to the low frequency mind control broadcast of the media, a branch of the NAA. They are following in line, as we have collectively done on Ash Wednesday unknowingly shutting down our superpowers as light beings, sparks of source, and divine origin. But, more are waking up, which is very positive and encouraging. Because following the descending rabbit hole of mind control, and malevolent protocol of the deep state agenda, is the path of complete annihilation of freedom, access to organic consciousness, and our divinity within. The liberation of our planet and future evolution of humanity relies on our ability to break the chains of mind control, and the global satanic cult that has enslaved, traumatized and imprisoned humanity. Choosing the natural and organic path of ascension we have the opportunity to reclaim our power, reunite at zero point, and align with freedom, expansion, and cosmic sovereign law. We are God Sovereign Free Comments are closed.
February 2022
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