Astrology Reports
Full Moon in Capricorn...the collapse of karmic timelines...and the leap of faith into pure unconditional love...
During this Full Moon, we have a powerful opposition between Cancer and Capricorn. The Moon & Pluto, conjunct in Capricorn, are opposing the Sun & Mars, in Cancer. They are both squaring Jupiter, in Libra. This is a very transformative Full Moon. And, once again, activating the cardinal grand cross. Which has been leading us towards the truth since 2012…the truth of ourselves, our relationships, and our manifested realities. When we have the courage to face the truth, we have the courage to make powerful choices. These choices are being activated now, during this Full Moon, as the masks are completely falling away. And, the illusions, and distortions, that previously tied us to karmic relationships, have been revealed. We are being guided, by our higher selves, to take that leap of faith. To have the courage to follow our hearts, reinforced by the North Node in Leo. And, making choices based on true emotional connection, and authenticity. Initiated by the deeply emotional process of the Cancer New Moon, on June 23. We are leaving behind the masks, and roles we have played in karmic relationships. Which never represented who we really are. Or, supported our spiritual truth. Quite the opposite, as they kept us stuck in karmic time loops, and consciousness traps. The karmic timelines, and external control structures imposed on humanity by the patriarchy…were based on unhealed emotional wounds. Karmic wounds of pain, suffering and separation. But, since the opening of the ascension window, we’ve had the opportunity to heal these wounds, and remember who we are. Which has also facilitated the reclamation of our internal balance. Embodying our divine masculine & divine feminine within. And, our inner balance, is always reflected back to us in our external manifested world. This is our path to reunion. Which has always been an internal process of sacred balance, and unconditional self love. The astrological axis between Cancer and Capricorn, represents the polarity between emotional security and physical security. Both are cardinal signs, of initiation and co-manifestation. Although, prior to the ascension window, this was largely unconscious. Cancer, the feminine, intuitive and receptive sign. Which participates, and creates, from a place of emotional depth. But, has also been manipulated by the inorganic cycles of the Moon, and it’s connection with Saturn. Which have worked together, in this this 3D holographic reality, as an anti-hierogamic (anti divine union) control system. While Saturn generates this 3D reality, the Moon reflects it. Which has disconnected, and sabotaged divine union…and our original, and natural connection with God Source. However, the archetype of Cancer, also perceives and receives intuition, and relationships, through the lens of emotional connection. And, it is through accessing, and processing, our emotions…that we heal. Meanwhile, Capricorn, although originally, also a feminine sign, is now the polar opposite…representing the false masculine, external 3D reality. Ruled by Saturn. Climbing that patriarchal ladder of success, trapped within the matrix system. To achieve external validation, and material success. But, it’s a hollow, and temporary victory. Because, it feeds an inorganic, and vampiric system. A system that is never satisfied, because it’s through this energetic feed line…that these inorganic structures, and patriarchal control, has been sustained. Continuing to set the theoretical “bar of success” higher, so that it can never actually be reached. It’s been the perfect set up for failure. Trapping humanity in a system of disempowerment, and amnesia. Continuing to seek that external validation…which would never come. This is our inorganic, 3D holographic reality. Which is collapsing now. The sign of Cancer, in the northern hemisphere (which western astrology is primarily based), initiates Summer. A time of reflection, connection, and participation with our natural world. A season, that supports our inner child to come out and play, create, and interact with mother earth. In alignment with our original nature. Capricorn, in opposition, initiates Winter. A time of separation, and disconnection from our natural world. Saturn, or Cronos “father time”, demands that we “grow up”, be serious, and focus on the external, holographic 3D reality. To achieve on the external, at the expense of our internal. Which is where all true manifestation begins. Which, essentially, meant neglecting our own inner child, and abandoning our need for true emotional connection. This has left humanity in a state of perpetuate self abandonment, delusion, and disconnection. The divine masculine pulled into painful, disempowering karmic dynamics, forgetting his true divine counterpart. And, forgetting the truth of him self. While the divine feminine experienced the deep and traumatic pain of abandonment, and disconnection. This was both an internal and external hierogamic split. Experienced simultaneously. But, at this point in the bifurcation, and collective awakening, we are returning to the truth of who we are. We are returning to the garden of unconditional love, and divine union. Prior to the planetary invasion, and patriarchal control system. And, “old man winter” (Saturn), who has been controlling this reality for thousands of years, is being revealed. We are seeing behind the curtain, and beneath the veils, of illusion, and distortion. What we see, is a distorted, and abusive old man (the patriarchy), who has stolen and manipulated humanity for his own selfish and destructive needs. And, fed off karmic cycles of pain, war, disconnection, and fear. This is all collapsing now, and represented during this Full Moon in Capricorn. The veils of illusion, and distortion are completely falling away now, along with the masks we have worn. We all have Capricorn and Cancer in our astrological charts. As we have all the signs of the zodiac. And, these are roles we have played, individually and collectively, during the reincarnation cycle. For those of us who incarnated into this lifetime, to participate with the ascension process…we are here to witness and collapse these artificial structures. But, in order to do so, we had to incarnate into them. Into this level of density, amnesia, distortion. While remembering, once activated by the ascension window, the truth of who we are. And, embodying this truth on all levels, including our physical manifested reality. With the intention, and determination, to reunite in sacred union…both internally, and externally with our divine counterparts. While simultaneously walking the path of awakening, and reconnection with God Source. Our true, original, and divine nature. We are at the edge of the cliff right now...about to take that leap of faith. Leaving our false illusions, and masks of karma behind. And jumping, with courage, into pure unconditional love. Comments are closed.
February 2022
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