Astrology Reports
Full Moon in Sagittarius
Friday, June 9, 2017 Following our path home… During this Sagittarius Full Moon, the Sun is at 18º Gemini. And, the Moon directly opposite, at 18º Sagittarius. Saturn and Lilith, also in Sagittarius, are directly involved during this transit. This is a very powerful moment in our awakening process. As the Sun is in the sign of Gemini, representing divine twins. During this transit, we have the Sun and Gemini together, symbolically representing the trinity. And, they are directly opposing the Moon, Saturn, and Lilith. This Full Moon represents the powerful process of reflection & illumination. Of all the deep internal healing & spiritual work of divine counterparts. They have been following their own path of healing, remembering & reclamation. The twin path, is becoming one path. The journey of awakening which is leading them home. To the truth, unconditional self love, and divine union. This transit also highlights, what has sabotaged, and separated divine union. The original separation, and influence by the patriarchy. Saturn, connected to the control structures. Creating the internal split, and using these aspects (of previously unconscious) pain, to perpetuate karmic patterns, and timelines. The divine masculine was manipulated into the false patriarchal beliefs, and fell into amnesia. Forgetting his true divine counterpart, forgetting himself. And, began to associate his reflection through the distorted lens, and false mirror of the karmic partner. An separated from his true divine counterpart. Creating cycles of pain, and self abandonment for both. The divine feminine, during of these cycles of karmic timelines, has also suffered from separation, and suppression. Which can also be interpreted through Lilith. However, the true divine feminine has also been waiting. Maintaining these sacred memories of divine union. And, while the divine masculine has been stuck in karmic relationships, she has been holding the space and intention for reunion, and unconditional love. While karmic dynamics have interfered, tried to replace, and sabotaged divine has become extremely obviously what is true unconditional love, and what is not. The high frequencies pouring into the planet, are making it very clear…what is real, and what is false. What is true love…and what is karmic superimposition, manipulation, and service to self. And, revealing, with krystal clarity, what is authentic heart connection…and, what is not. This Full Moon in Sagittarius is very powerful. Revealing memories & increasing awareness in the divine masculine consciousness. This is the journey home, after years of healing, embodiment & reclamation work. Although still ongoing, and we still have work to do. However, we are at the point, in the collective process and energetic acceleration where the path of polarity is merging closer. And, the path of separation, is becoming the path of union. The divine masculine path, and divine feminine path, are increasing becoming one. This is the sacred return home, and hierogamic process. Venus is in Taurus Mercury in Gemini Both Venus and Mercury have just entered their home signs. With Venus in Taurus, representing the divine feminine, within each of us, becoming increasingly empowered & integrated on all levels, including our physical reality. Stepping into alignment, and integration, with our higher selves. In order to achieve what we intended, during the planetary ascension. Venus was exactly conjunct Uranus last weekend, continuing to purge and remove any resistance, or doubts. And, encouraging this leap into greater freedom, and authenticity. With Uranus further activating, and electrifying, the divine feminine awakening process. We are being powerfully guided in a new direction, and physical, manifested realities. Which includes all our relationships. With Mercury in Gemini, there is a very active thought process happening in the collective. As the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, is also the mental/though axis. Higher and lower mind, left and right brain integration. Which is also interesting, and symbolic, considering the huge masculine healing process that is happening (and mental plane). The activation of this axis is also increasing our need to communicate, and share our experiences. And, connect with those of similar resonance, and vibration. Things are becoming much clearer, impacted by the Full Moon. Our thoughts, and how we process them are dramatically changing. While Mercury transits its home sign, thoughts can be extremely active, and busy. With communication increasing, and the desire to express ourselves. However, this also represents a major crossroads…involving our thoughts, but ultimately choice point. This can be interpreted as a heart or head decision. Do we follow our hearts, guidance, and internal compass? Which is powerfully guiding us in the direction of home…of love. The divine masculine is hearing, and processing this guidance, even in the midst of collective chaos. Which is also connected to Mars, in Cancer. Mars just entered the sign of Cancer, and will be there for a couple months. And, will be joined by the Sun at the summer solstice. Mars transiting through Cancer, is desire for emotional connection. And, drive to take action, guided by love. But, this also means having the courage to break free from karmic entrapments, collective programming, and a limiting belief in a system that will never provide freedom, validation, or empowerment. Because it’s very purpose, is the exact opposite. This point, in the collective bifurcation, is leap of faith. An extremely powerful, and divinely supported, one. Guiding us to continue through this doorway leading us to our new, higher vibrational realities. To trust this pathway towards freedom, empowerment, and unconditional love. This Full Moon, in Sagittarius, is encouraging us…to take this next, huge step. This powerful adventure into authenticity, spiritual awakening, and true love. Jupiter stationing direct in Libra Simultaneous with this Full Moon, is Jupiter stationing direct. Jupiter has been moving retrograde, in the sign of Libra, since February 5th. Libra, the sign of balance, partnership, and harmony. And, Jupiter’s retrograde has facilitated the deep process of introspection and clarity regarding all our relationships. As the bifurcation continues to place extreme pressure on karmic patterns, and relationships based on disfunction, fear, and imbalance. And, old paradigm belief structures. This is impacting everyone, in various ways. Those still resistant, or unaware, in these dynamics, are experiencing extreme pressure to release these karmic, and old system relationships. Because they are collapsing. We are breaking free from karmic ties, false beliefs, and fear. This evolutionary change, and process, is not easy for anyone. But, ultimately, leading us towards our divine unions, and timelines based on love, peace, and harmony. And, at this point, it's like trying to stop a tsunami...especially as we approach this solstice. Which is going to be far more powerful, and massive, than any previous one. The golden portal we entered, at the Gemini New Moon, only grows stronger, and more powerful. Facilitating massive change, manifestation, and divine unions. We are now reuniting those perceptions, and illusions, of separation and polarity...back into alignment and reunion. The internal masculine & feminine process beginning to reflect back to us. As we have learned to embody self love, and stay present...our external manifested reality does the same. For those of us on the awakening path, and have been consciously healing, clearing negative ego, fear, and collective programming…this energy is powerfully supporting our process. With Jupiter stationing direct, after four months of introspection, the same time as this Full Moon in Sagittarius, this represents the path home. And, a return home. A huge shift is happening within relationships. Which began with the New Moon in Gemini. This doorway is here, leading us all towards a whole new world. But, this also requires a leap of faith. Trusting our hearts, our inner knowing & higher self guidance, and trusting our process of spiritual awakening. Comments are closed.
February 2022
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