Astrology Reports
1/11/2018 January 2018 AstrologyJanuary 2018
Demolition of Patriarchal Control Structures Building, Embodying, and Anchoring New Architecture We have just come through some extremely challenging astrology in recent weeks. And now, preparing for more. There is increasingly “no time” for integration between waves of acceleration. Basically it’s a constant stream of amplification. Like one giant wave that just keeps getting bigger. As the time fields compress, and everything continues to merge/move towards zero point. We have entered 2018, and reached an extreme point in the collective process. Although, for many of us, extreme became the new “normal” years ago. And, normal, from a 3D perspective, is a distant memory on the horizon of our past. But, regardless of where we are in this process, we are all being accelerated, supported, and initiated, through some very challenging new levels. It’s been difficult on the physical body. While not easy, its also been inspiring to witness the strength and adaptability of our inner child. When we make the time for self care with gratitude, compassion, and self love. What is “normal” (or, perceived as normal) from a 3D perspective? It’s largely connected to a false sense of security, which feeds into collective mind control. This false perception of safety, perpetuating the artificial need to seek, and adhere, to external authority. And, all the inorganic structures that authority represents. Also, the pressure to conform, based on expectations from biological family, peers, or perceived society at large (via mind control/technology). In other words, “fit in”, and be accepted according to certain criteria set by various social, economic, or academic standards. Which are all connected (and feed) negative ego, divide and conquer, and patriarchal programming. Devised to separate humanity based on external, artificially generated, programs of “normalcy”, acceptance, and validation. Connected to branches of collective mind control…religion, government, education, medical, financial, media, and karmic dynamics. The education system is essential, and connects with all the other programs. The education system’s main purpose (from an external control perspective)has been to disconnect humanity from our natural creative/life force energy, limit us into linear bi-wave thinking, feed the negative ego, and prepare us to serve the system. The education system feeds into all the other branches of control. But these control structures are breaking down, as the veils of illusion collapse, revealing the truth of these systems. Which were never instituted/implanted to support humanity, but trap us in enslavement programs. The higher octave of Saturn’s transit, as it continues to travel through the sign of Capricorn, towards Pluto (they will be conjunct in 2020), is to build new structures, and ascended timelines and realities, on the physical plane. From a place of higher consciousness, and purpose, in service to others, and the greater good. Now is the time to utilize our higher knowledge, combined with all we have learned from within the system. Assisting humanity to break free from the inside out. Which is why we are here, during the ascension cycle. Consciously participating with the awakening process on an individual, collective, and planetary level. Which involves breaking through the various branches of external control, including the education system, in service to others. Utilizing our higher knowledge, and awareness, on multidimensional levels, supporting the collective process. As we remember who we are, we assist others. And, these external control structures, which previously (during humanity's slumber and amnesia) served a negative, dark, and disempowering agenda, continue to crumble. In their place, we build new architecture based on higher consciousness, reconnection, and the empowerment of humanity. New Moon in Capricorn January 16, 2018 The Sun & Moon 26º, Venus 28º, Pluto 19º, Mercury 8º, and Saturn 3º Jupiter at 19º, Mars at 24º The Sun, Venus, and Pluto were exactly conjunct in Capricorn on January 9. The Sun and Venus have now moved past their Pluto conjunction. The Sun is currently at 28º Capricorn, and Venus has just entered Aquarius, at 0º. While Uranus continues to square Pluto. Venus, which represent the divine feminine energy, has been in a process of extreme purification, and dismantling of old structures, that are no longer supported, and must be released. The Sun is shining the light on wherever she has resisted to face the truth, or reluctant to disconnect from painful karmic cycles. And, also free herself from old patriarchal (FKOT) dominated storylines. She is now in another cycle of rebirth and transformation, after the destruction initiated (once again) by Pluto. Cardinal Houses These transits are impacting the cardinal signs/houses of our charts. During the New Moon, we had several planets in Capricorn. Which also meant that Cancer was being opposed, and Libra and Aries squared. Any personal planets we have in any of the cardinal signs, were in direct line of fire (purification), and extreme pressure. These transits impacting the cardinal house of our charts, also means the archetypes, karmic patterns, and inorganic structures, artificially built (on false/artificial architecture) during the reincarnation cycle, are being completely dismantled. Although challenging, sometimes destabilizing, this is happening, in order that we may build new foundations, based on higher consciousness, and intention. For strong architecture, based on integrity, and higher purpose, to stand…must now be built on a crystal clear foundation. All the karmic patterns, wounds, and debris, are essentially being blasted energetically, demolished, and removed. The astrology continues to collapse the houses of negative ego, karmic patterns, and programming. Also, our deepest fears, emotional wounds, and attachment (or over-identification) to storylines or personality archetypes. The archetypes and symbology in the astrology, also tarot, and numerology, have all been played out in karmic cycles. They have also been used by the opposing force, controllers, dark magicians. But, they are consciousness traps (which we are breaking free) which have served to keep us trapped in bi-wave dynamics, and over-identification with these archetypes, through the use of repetitive imagery, symbolism, and artificial technology. The archetypes, and energetic imprints, found in astrology, tarot, and numerology, have all been played out on the world stage, during the reincarnation cycle. And, part of our process, is to not only heal from these dynamics, and overlays, but release attachment to them. Consciousness traps, and ego/personality constructs, keep us stuck in linear time, and disconnected from higher consciousness. These roles, and karmic masks are all falling away (it's impossible to hide anything with Jupiter in Scorpio). These matrix archetypes, and external control structures, are all generated by artificial technology. During our awakening, as true Source beings, we reclaim our power, and energy by reconnecting with higher consciousness. But, realizing that our true power is not external to us (on the horizontal plane), but above us (vertical staff alignment). And, sources from a much higher authority. As we continue our embodiment process, the vertical & horizontal reconnect, and reunite at zero point. As the higher frequencies of Christ consciousness continue to pour in, we become the conduits for pure source light. As above, so below, on the physically manifested plane. It’s also about embodying and serving our higher authority, by making choices based on integrity, authenticity, and responsibility. And, building new architecture from those those higher ideals, intention, and agreements. Higher octaves of Capricorn Integrity, responsibility, hard work, and determination, are all higher octave qualities of Capricorn. With Saturn as it’s ruler, is about breaking free of mind control, while also breaking through old patriarchal architecture. It’s through the alchemy and purification process, that transformation happens. When we remove the old inorganic debris, and karmic structures, we wipe the slate clean. In preparation, to then pour a brand new foundation, into our physical reality. Just as we embody our higher selves and higher consciousness in our physical body. It's a simultaneous, multidimensional process. A few relevant questions that relate to the current astrology. And, as Saturn transits Capricorn, and Jupiter transits Scorpio: Who is our authority? What are we consenting to? Where are we emotionally resistant, holding onto pain, or trapped in karmic patterns? Are we making decisions based on the higher ideals (and higher heart/higher mind) of integrity, and authenticity? In service to others, the greater good, and unity consciousness. Saturn and Lilith in Capricorn Saturn is currently at 3ºCapricorn, and Lilith is at 7º. So, they are traveling together through the sign of Capricorn. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn. Lilith, the false light, lunar version of the feminine. Reflecting the divine masculine’s emotional wounds of separation, sacrifice and self abandonment. Lilith is the inverted, inorganic version, of the divine feminine. Instrumental in maintaining the split between divine counterparts (and HG union). She has played a role, perpetuating hell on earth…also known as karmic relationships. Saturn is mind control headquarters. Through mind control technology, collective programming, and the enslavement program, the false/karmic/patriarchal masculine (FKOT) was infiltrated/inserted into human consciousness. The FKOT is a patriarchal, narcissistic archetype, and predator mind. Reflecting the divine feminine’s emotional wounds of suppression, degradation, and abandonment. These archetypes, and energetic imprints work together. The FKOT and Lilith, energetically, sadly became the “normally” accepted dynamic of “relationship”. Based on karmic pain cycles, and dis-functional, vampiric, mindset. This is the fallen/unconscious version of human relationship, which have kept humanity trapped in disconnection, and amnesia. While also feeding external control structures. But, these are not normal, organic, or original to humanity. They are based on inorganic karmic overlays, artificial technology, and collective mind control. They are anti-love, anti-human, and anti-Christ. Saturn-Moon Matrix Archetypes and Karmic Dynamics The rings around Saturn are not original, or natural. Just as the Moon is not original, or natural (or, even a moon for that matter). The Saturn-Moon matrix works together, essentially a satellite/broadcast system. Broadcasting into the collective consciousness, mind control, and lower frequencies of fear, sadness, victimization, and misery programming. Perpetuating unconscious patterns, addiction, disconnection, and self abandonment. The broadcasts connect with the implants, toxins, heavy metals, and basic (overall) crap, that has been fed, sprayed, injected, and implanted into the human consciousness, energy field, and physical body. It’s only once we understand the dynamics, constructs, and archetypes in this matrix system, we begin to break free. When we understand the larger picture, and all the inorganic architecture, technology, and consciousness that has controlled, and imprisoned, humanity during the dark cycles. As we continue to heal, clear, and release karmic cycles. Embodying higher frequencies of light, truth, and consciousness. Remembering and reconnecting with who we really are…beyond the lower time fields, and prison system. One of the hurdles, of many, during this process is letting go of attachments and old storylines, which only kept us trapped in bi-wave technology, and reincarnation cycle. During the reincarnation cycle, humanity became over-identified with the limiting and disempowering karmic roles in the lower time fields. But these roles were just a small fraction (soul fracture) of who we, as a species, really are. After the planetary invasion, and humanity’s fall in consciousness, we were plunged (separated from higher consciousness) into cycles of karmic pain and amnesia. And, through the highjacking of Saturn, and installation of the Moon, perpetuated thousands of years of human suffering, and disconnection. The matrix is a corrupted holographic system of artificial technology, perpetuated by a vampiric consciousness, installed to imprison humanity. During the ascension cycle, as a collective, we are waking up. And, our spiritual awakening is a process of remembering, reconnection, and reunion. We remember that we are not these limiting roles, karmic masks, or storylines of disempowerment and disconnection, which have played out during the cycles of amnesia, illusion, and collective mind control. Humanity’s fall in consciousness, also represents a fall from love (and conscious awareness) into fear (unconscious/karmic cycles). One of the challenges during this process, is letting go of these roles, and dynamics. And, our attachment, or over-identification, with them. This is also known as the personality matrix, in the fallen time fields. The reconnection with our soul begins in 4D, our heart chakra. Healing our hearts, through the emotional process of spiritual awakening, is the key to ascension. But requires we be fully present, and courageous to face our deepest emotional wounds, fears, and pain. But, there can be a resistance to this as well. Because pain became accepted as “normal” during the reincarnation cycle, and karmic relationships. However, this is not normal, but the opposite. And, the result of reversal technology (2D/4D split), beliefs, and mindset, reinforced by karmic dynamics. Which plug into our lowest frequency/chakras, which are all about pain, suffering, and fear. They also connect with the corrupted holograph, and mind control broadcast system. However, when we reach a certain level of our ascension process (healing emotionally, and clearing fear programming) these lower chakras begin to dissolve, and no longer control us. Because we are consciously aware, and reconnected with higher consciousness. And, our higher selves, beyond the astral barrier. Capricorn 26 - Third Decan The New Moon happened in the third decan of Capricorn. Sometimes, I look at decans when studying the astrology. The New Moon was at 26º, which is the third decan. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. But the third decan is sub-ruled by Mercury. This means that this was a very Saturnian moon cycle, but also Mercurial. So, a lot of collective thought and processing was involved. And, continues as Mercury is transiting the sign of Capricorn right now. Mercury has recently moved past Saturn (Mercury was exactly conjunct Saturn on January 12), and is now conjunct Lilith. Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio Jupiter 19º Scorpio Mars 25º Scorpio Jupiter continues its journey through the underworld, traveling through the sign of Scorpio. On a global scale, previously hidden activities, abuses of power, crimes against humanity, and unethical behaviors, continue to surface. They can no longer be hidden, or suppressed, from the light of truth. Jupiter’s transit has activated a water trine, which is supportive energy, between Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces. Impacting the water signs in our astrological charts. And, facilitating a deeply emotional process, during the collective dark night. This also means that the Moon, Neptune, and Pluto, are being impacted, and involved, in this purification, and healing process. With Jupiter traveling through Scorpio, we are in deep, intensive, transformational waters. It is very heavy, initiating more of the collective into their dark night of the soul. Even if we have already gone through our personal dark night process, we are feeling it very powerfully, on a collective level. This transit is revealing our darkest fears, deepest pain, and anything we have avoided, suppressed, or has been lurking in our subconscious mind. We may be visiting, or revisiting, some old emotional pain, or previously unconscious patterns. Jupiter in Scorpio represents our collective dark night of the soul. In order to reach transformation, we must go through the death & rebirth process. Which we are doing collectively now. It can be very heavy, uncomfortable, and exhausting. It’s extremely important we continue to do our own healing, and clearing work, while also protecting our energy field. There is an intense amount of emotion in the collective consciousness, feelings of sadness, regret, fear, hopelessness, and sense of isolation. When we identify these things, whether processing them individually, collectively, or both, its helpful and supportive to share with others. And, it’s important to remember, that we are all in this together. Another huge part of the collective process is clearing negative ego. The negative ego battles and resists this process every step. The horizontal fields are in chaos, under massive, and explosive, dismantling. Mars, traveling through Scorpio, was exactly conjunct Jupiter on January 5th. Mars has now moved past Jupiter, at 25ºScorpio. To say this is intense, is an understatement. We continue to feel, and process, the repercussions and fallout of this Mars/Jupiter conjunction. Mars, representing the masculine energy, has been in a deeply introspective and emotional healing process. Also, contemplation with regard to karmic patterns, and situations. Previous hidden intentions, or agendas, continue to be revealed. And, those with self serving (service to self) and vampiric nature are finding it increasingly difficult to hide beneath veils of illusion. As higher frequencies of light continue to flood our planet, and human consciousness, it has become increasingly impossible to hide, deny, or avoid anything. Scorpio, is the investigator of the zodiac. Gathering facts, seeking clarity, and finding the truth. Having the courage to walk through the darkness, battle our fears, and ultimately transcend our pain. It is only through emotional healing, and the courage it requires, that we make our way towards the light of truth. And, it is only through truth, that we begin to find a sense of peace, reconnection, and return/reunite with self love. Pluto With Jupiter in Scorpio, and Pluto in Capricorn, we are in very Plutonian energy. Pluto is essentially burning down the houses of negative ego, karmic cycles, and personality matrix. Anywhere we are still attached to old storylines, karmic masks, or emotional wounds. It’s impacting our emotional body, our psyche, our physical body, and both our internal world and external world. The collective dark night is an extremely painful, and often disorienting process. It’s having the rug, representing everything we previously believed to be true, pulled out from beneath our feet. We can feel alone, disconnected, and there can be this overwhelming, at times debilitating, fear that we may never recover. That we may never climb out of the dark abyss, and complete sense of hopelessness. For those of us who have been through this process, know that we do make it through. Which seems quite miraculous, almost shockingly so, when we start to resurface. But, as we do, we are transformed. This can be when we begin to experience profound new levels of multidimensional awareness, higher connection, and guidance. Going through a spiritual death, while maintaining our physical bodies, is quite an extreme and strange experience. However, it clears a huge amount of density, fear, and programming. Demanding that we face our deepest, most painful emotional wounds. In a way only Pluto can facilitate. This is the dark night of the soul. But, remembering that we are all in this together brings a level of comfort, support and gratitude. And, greater sense of calm, in the midst of the storm. Some Sabian symbols for today, January 18, 2018 Pluto 19 Capricorn Phase 289 (Pluto 19): A five year old child carrying a bag filled with groceries Keynote: Rising to the occasion when asked to assume social responsibilities ahead of one’s normal development Mars 25 Scorpio Phase 235 (Scorpio 25): An x-ray photograph Keynote: The capacity to acquire a knowledge of the structural factors in all existence. Uranus 24 Aries Phase 24 (Aries 24): Blown inward by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of a cornucopia. Keynote: Openness to the influx of spiritual energies. Comments are closed.
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