Astrology Reports
New Moon in Pisces
Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017 Sun & Moon at 8º Pisces Surfing the waves of ascension... If we were all surfers, which essentially we are, the last couple weeks we were paddling out towards a huge tsunami wave. And, last weekend, we hit that wave. Staying on top of this wave (and, for those consciously participating with this process) can be be interpreted as aligning with the ascending timelines. However, this is energy is challenging each of us…and, revealing where we are in our process. This is a powerfully intense eclipse. Staying awake, aware, and flexible while trusting the process are important. Obviously, there is also a huge bifurcation happening. And, for those who are asleep & unconsciously participating, this can be difficult & confusing energy. Also, for those resistant to making certain necessary changes. But, remembering that the energy & astrology serves a higher purpose for all of us. And, a powerful catalyst for greater awakening. Last week was like the calm before the storm. And, perhaps, connected to the sense of further disconnection from descending, and inorganic timelines. In my awareness, there was this sort of “drifting out to sea” feeling. But, in a calm & supportive way. I spent more time painting, writing, creativity…all very Neptunian. It felt like a transition point. However, simultaneously, I/we were aware of the very intense undercurrent building, just under the surface. The undercurrent surfaced last weekend, and building stronger as we approach the eclipse. Speaking personally, the energy of this transit feels like an accelerated dark night of the soul. And, building collectively. But this serves a greater, and divine purpose. Providing the opportunity for reflection, releasing the past, and trusting the process. As we are about to step into brand new energy once we move through this eclipse. But, this is a very intense process. Both humbling and empowering. From my perspective, there is a direct connection between this Pisces solar eclipse (conjunct the south node)…and 12/21/12, when we officially left the Age of Pisces. This eclipse is like an energetic bookend, or vibrational “weigh in” point connected to that transition point. Requiring introspection & reflection…of where we are, and how far we have come (energetically, vibrationally, consciously) in the years following our entrance into the official ascension window. I understood awhile ago that March/April & the Spring equinox would bring huge changes. Impacting & supporting our awakening & union process. And, the Pisces solar eclipse represents the catalytic event (& possible activation point) for these changes. There is huge potential for greater awakening and more active participation. This eclipse does bring intense chaos. It’s challenging, turbulent energy. But, we need to remind ourselves to feel gratitude & appreciation for our expanding awareness. The energy is only going to increase and accelerate. Being kind, patient, and loving with ourselves is very important. During the eclipse, the Sun & Moon will be conjunct the South Node & Neptune. Simultaneously, Mars in Aries will be conjunct Uranus…squaring Pluto and opposing Jupiter (moving retrograde). Meanwhile, Venus is also preparing to retrograde. So, in addition to the intense Neptune/Pisces energy of this eclipse…we, simultaneously have the extreme war-like/masculine energy. Collectively, there may be feelings of chaos, confusion, fear, anger, anxiety, hopelessness, or any combination. Belief systems, fear, and control issues are potentially being triggered & tested now, collectively. Some people could find themselves feeling completely lost, and suddenly impulsive. Realizing they are on a path to nowhere, and urged to make drastic changes. This can be very positive, providing they make choices in alignment with their higher self. Perhaps, suddenly realigning with their true purpose, spiritual connections & agreements. This eclipse is a HUGE wake up call. What’s interesting…periodically, during the last week, I’ve heard a phone ring (which could also be perceived as an alarm?). I’ve heard this several times. And, each time, seemed very close (as though it’s just on the edge of my physical “reality”…about to burst through into my manifested experience). I know it’s connected to this eclipse. There will be more awakenings & activations. And, those starting their own process of death & rebirth. Revealing their unconscious behavior, karmic patterns, false beliefs and various inorganic architecture. This, as we all know, can feel like the rug being pulled beneath their feet. And, people’s entire “reality” as they knew it, starting to crumble around them. But, this is part of the awakening process. Removing the inorganic, to reveal the truth. Keep in mind, Lilith is also now in Sagittarius. Further revealing the truth of our inorganic & disempowering patterns and relationships. This eclipse represents the energetic portal, and transition point, into huge choice points, & bifurcation. Collectively, being guided (or pushed) towards higher frequency choices aligned with our higher selves and agreements when incarnating. To share one of my recent experiences, which feels relevant here…I witnessed the process of incarnation. And, as the energy/soul started to incarnate (being pulled through the bright/false light tunnel)…I realized it actually looked like a funnel. Larger at the top, and narrower at the bottom. And, on the walls of the funnel, were all sorts of codes (just like a computer screen downloading software). So, as the soul was being squeezed through this funnel (into a much narrower field of awareness/perception)…it was simultaneously being imprinted with all these codes (like being pressed through a net). And, these codes represented programming, inserts, false beliefs, implants, etc. This is the process of awakening. The opportunity to reveal & remove that which is limiting, and disempowering. This includes collective belief systems, previously unconscious behaviors, inorganic control structures, and karmic patterns. None of which represent who we really are. They only served to keep us trapped, in separation, and stuck on the karmic hamster wheel. The awakening process sets us free. As layer after layer of illusion, deception & disempowerment are removed. Revealing our true nature, and powerful co-creative potential. This process takes strength, courage, and trust. It requires the ongoing receptivity to our higher self guidance. Everything that is inorganic, and not aligned with our highest good & intentions, begins to fall away. Where we place our focus, intention, and higher authority is powerfully important right now. Due to where we are in the bifurcation, combined with the current energy. To move through this eclipse, it’s important to stay grounded, but in a fluid and flexible way. Remember it’s a lot of water energy. Trusting our guidance, and alignments. Also, to connect with the higher octave of Neptune in Pisces. Although, this is a challenging fine line…because the South node is exactly conjunct this eclipse. The South Node in Pisces represents the past…it represents the Age of Pisces. And, the distortions, manipulation, and inorganic control structure of the patriarchy. The higher octave of Pisces is creativity, idealism, beauty, art, poetry and the most beautiful dreams. However, the lower octave, is delusion, addiction, avoidance and karmic patterns. So this energy/eclipse is everything all at once. Staying in the vibration of trust, service to others, and unconditional self love guides us through these intense energies. And, further supports our ability to integrate the higher frequencies. While releasing the lower ones. And, remembering, that we are all in this together. Comments are closed.
February 2022
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