Astrology Reports
9/20/2017 New Moon in Virgo, September 20, 2017New Moon in Virgo
September 20, 2017 9/19 10:30pm PDT 9/20 1:30pm EDT 5:30am UT During the New Moon, the Sun and Moon, will be in Virgo at 27º. They will be directly opposing Chiron, at 26º Pisces. Both Mercury and Mars, are also transiting Virgo. With Venus at 0º. So, we are very much in Virgo energy. This can be very supportive, during the ongoing intensity, and critical point, in the bifurcation. The higher octave of Virgo is about service, purification, initiation, and healing. Providing the support, and initiative, to make changes in our physical lives. Which also reflects our spiritual process. We are still in the integration phase, after the huge activations of the astrology. The total solar eclipse, and full moon in Pisces, provided the opportunity to release the past. Breaking free from previous thought patterns, and mental constructs, which kept us trapped in time. As we move forward in our ascension process, we move beyond the lower mind. No longer replaying (or recreating) the painful karmic stories. As we heal our hearts, and clear our minds. We step into a whole new level of freedom, and creative potential. In alignment with our higher selves. Mercury, ruler of Virgo, has been very involved in the astrology. Supporting our process, to awaken, and break free. From personal storylines, and self imposed time loops. During humanity’s slumber, recreating the same experiences over & over again. Like a broken record, or movie reel. This holographic reality is like a movie theatre. Playing certain reels (realities) via the planetary brain. And, playing those storylines in our individual minds. I witnessed during meditation, awhile ago, and was shown what looked like a control room. With different screens, lined up on top of each other. And, different “realities” playing out, accordingly to karmic wounds, religious beliefs, and various mind control programs. Each in their own customized program, and mental imprisonment. The energetic shifts have been dramatic recently, assisting us to experience a new level of freedom from mental programs, and thought patterns. Of course, it depends on where we are in our spiritual awakening process. The wider the bifurcation has become, the more difficult it can be to articulate all the changes happening. But, for those of us on the awakening path, we continue to break free from the lower mind, and collective programming. When we break free, we release the past. And, no longer recreate it. Releasing our attachment to certain stories, and roles we have played. As we continue to integrate these energetic shifts, we are guided to streamline, and simplify, as best we can. In order to maintain a balance between our higher connections, and spiritual practice, while staying grounded in our physical bodies. Virgo provides this opportunity, and structure. To maintain a level of physical presence, and self care, while also contributing, in service to others. This can be challenging, as we are juggling the many demands, and responsibilities, of our physical reality. The lower octave of Virgo (also, Pisces axis/shadow) can be overworking, stress, and perfectionism. Trying to accomplish, achieve, and juggle too much. At the detriment, and neglect, of the self. The positive energy, and higher octave of Virgo (and Virgo-Pisces axis), creates a daily routine that is organized, productive, and balanced. Contributing, and assisting others, while also respecting, and nurturing, the self. This can feel like a tall order right now. Achieving balance, requires we create the space for ourselves. To temporarily disconnect from the external world, to go within. For guidance, connection, and inner peace. During this New Moon, the Sun & Moon, will be directly opposing Chiron. Which, once again, highlights our healing process. Chiron represents the wounded healer. This archetype has been implanted, along with the manipulation & distortion of the Christ archetype, during the Age of Pisces. The Pisces-Virgo axis is about service, integrity, altruism, and healing. However, these higher qualities, have also been manipulated, during the reincarnation cycle, and karmic timelines, by the control system. Each axis, in the astrological wheel, represents both the higher & lower octave of each sign. Which can also be interpreted as our shadow. The polarity of Pisces, is Virgo. And, while humanity was asleep, and unconscious, every action, even in service to humanity, was under the influence of collective mind control. Neptune in Pisces, while incredibly beautiful in the higher octave, can be quite different, in the lower. But, may also represent the archetype of the wounded healer. Which can include the hero-savior, and savior-martyr, mind control programs. These programs connect with (and feed into) dysfunctional karmic relationships, addiction matrix, and implanted 2nd chakra misery programs. It’s the perfect combination for suffering, self sacrifice, and consciousness traps. Those who have been trapped in these programs, are often idealistic, compassionate, and higher vibrational souls. Who wish to support, and serve others, by contributing to the healing and well being of humanity. However, these higher intentions, have been manipulated, and require (through programming, and karmic wounds) self sacrifice, and self abandonment. Working to heal the world, while their higher self is disconnected. And, inner child, has been left abandoned and alone. Moving forward, as we actively participate with our process, we continue to contribute, and serve the larger whole of humanity. However, now, as an awakening, and ascending human being, we do so from a place of internal wholeness, and balance. And, healing within ourselves. From the ascension glossary: Hero-Savior “Hero-Savior complex is a Victim-Victimizer software mind control archetype that is used to target Starseeds and spiritually developing people. This is one of the Controller Programs that is a sub program of the Victim-Victimizer software program and a collective miasm that has accumulated over many generations. As the Victimizer Archetypes and related programs that are embedded in the cellular matrix are very enhanced now, especially in adjunct to Life Review patterns for many of us now on the ascension path. This is explosive for some of us now, and I am observing traps for ensnarement, and Addiction, like jaws attempting to latch on to our vulnerability. “ These strong energetic shifts along the powerful Pisces-Virgo axis, are helping to initiate emotional healing, and simultaneously clearing of the mental body field. As the higher frequencies continue to accelerate, the illusions, deceptions, and collective programming are breaking down. As we move forward in time, we ascend to a higher level of awareness. The mental body is going through huge changes right now, causing a shift in the the collective consciousness. Which is also impacting the monadic triad, and planetary logos. The monad spiritual body triad, is the 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensional layers. 7D, is connected to the planetary brain, and humanity’s crown chakra. It is also future earth. And, higher density monadic planes. On the 7th dimension plane, there is a higher aspect of Earth, called Gaia. Which exists before/above the monadic split, and fall of humanity into the current reality, and lower dimensional Earth. 7th Dimension "Our Planetary Logos (the original blueprint and “law” governing the Earth’s planetary body) exists at the Ultraviolet spectrum of our magnetosphere on the 7th dimensional level or the Violet Ray. (The above picture depicts the earths magnetosphere interacting with our Sun.) This is also the Plane of the “Violet Ray” and where an aspect of the future Earth exists called Gaia. The 7th dimensional logos connect to a vast circulatory system that make up the collective human “crown chakra” and its projected “higher mental body” of the planetary function connected to the United Kingdom areas.(So what we see on the planet today is the manifestation of a group thought-form.) The architecture of the planetary logos controls every aspect of the planet, from the physical elemental substances to the emotional, mental and “energetic quanta” or “life force” distribution. It is the main control mechanism and circuit board that governs the planet in every inconceivable way. Clearly, these functions also greatly influence (or control) human beings to perceive themselves to what we believe as a group consensus - to be the behavior/identity of a human being living on planet Earth. The planetary logos is the macrocosm function to the collective mind and microcosm function of the individual mind. Planet Logos=Planetary Brain=Collective Race Mind=Human Mind=Individual Brain. All of these aspects of intelligence are a interactive part of the planetary logos.[1]" Hyperboreans "The Hyperboreans, are what we would consider, the Root Races from 7th dimensional Earth. The 7th dimensional Earth is what's known as Gaia. This is in the Monadic planes in the higher density planes and evolution time cycles. When we think of us moving into Soul plane or the Monadic plane, we will connect into the seven dimensional levels of the earth's consciousness memories.[1] Original Fall of Hyperborea "The reason why the Hyperboreans are so important to us, is because this was where a lot of the original trauma of the "fall" happened to the human race. This is when the split in time occurred and this is when the Moon was brought to the planet as its companion satellite to manage the gravitational field. It's like saying in the root races during the process of human evolution, of humanity moving through the timelines of consciousness; this was a part of the original soul that was involved in the first seeding of helping the planet to reclaim her bits because the planet had exploded. We had all kinds of problems. It is like saying, this is a part of the reseeding of a Consciousness, helping the consciousness to have a particular experience on a planetary body. The Hyperborean period is like the golden age. This is when the level of identity is fully connected and fully in your Christ Consciousness, meaning you have this understanding that you are fully connected to the Godhead, there is no pain and suffering, there are no types of situations that we deal with on planet Earth. So, in this early root race cycle, there was a war that happened. This is what's known as the Electric Wars." We are going through powerful shifts, and accelerations, in our collective process. From my perspective, and awareness, the mental body has been going through huge changes. I’ve experienced, and witnessed, a new level of clearing thought patterns, and further disconnection/freedom from collective programming. And, there are huge shifts happening at the monadic level. Monad “The Monad spiritual body triad is the 7th, 8th and 9th layer but it starts connecting at the 8th Chakra level [Thymus] which is the Higher Heart. When the Monad starts coming in like this, the whole Heart changes pattern, meaning the Heart Chakra is no longer an Astral Heart 4th Chakra, it is a Blue Heart. Your Heart Chakra turns blue and the frequency coming through starts turning blue.... this is a connection to the turquoise of the Mother Arc which ignites the inner holy spirit called the Amoraea Flame. So the 8th Dimension is a Gold color but when the Monad starts flowering in the Diamond Heart, and the Heart starts to configure, it actually looks blue and they call this the Living Crystal Lotus Heart. I call this Galactivation. I hope everyone is doing well, and standing strong, during all the intensity. Comments are closed.
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