Astrology Reports
New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse, 20º Cancer
July 12, 2018 7:48pm PT, 10:48pm EDT The End of Karmic Stories Trinity of Eclipses: Solar Eclipse in Cancer: Part One Powerful New Beginnings New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse at 20º Cancer During the New Moon solar eclipse, the Sun and Moon will be conjunct at 20º Cancer, in exact opposition to Pluto 20º Capricorn. And, Lilith is not far, at 27º Capricorn. We also have a t-square between Mars in Aquarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, and Mercury in Leo. And, two powerful trines, a Grand Water Trine...Sun in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces; and Grand Earth Trine...Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Virgo, and Saturn in Capricorn. The New Moon on July 12 is extremely powerful. Because it’s a partial solar eclipse; also because it’s the first in a trinity. The New Moon eclipse in Cancer is initiating the start of powerful changes, and brand new beginnings. The energy will continue to magnify, and accumulate, with each eclipse. Activating greater awakenings, reconnection of soul groups, and sacred unions. We are at a point of such rapid acceleration. This eclipse amplifies the ending of karmic stories. And, leading up to this eclipse has been the water trine, facilitating collective emotional healing, and clearing of karmic patterns. While these lower frequency patterns and karmic cycles/relationships ended awhile ago (and, no longer supported vibrationally), it’s taken additional “time” (especially with Saturn in Capricorn) to unwind, and break free from these highly resistant programs. But, as we enter the portal of eclipse season…we are preparing for our next phase, and newly manifesting realities. As the karmic timelines, and old holographic realities, are shutting down, we are stepping into a whole new world of creative potential. According to our process of emotional healing, releasing of karmic cycles, and embodiment of higher consciousness. We are rising from the depths of our emotional process, and inner work. Supported by Jupiter's transit through Scorpio, and deeply introspective water trine between Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces. Trinity of Eclipses New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer: July 12, 2018 Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius: July 27, 2018 New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo: August 11, 2018 The energy of these eclipses also build towards with the Lion’s Gate portal (from July 26 through August 12). With August 8, 2018 (8/8/11) at the peak, energetically. Since the opening of the ascension window, Pluto and Uranus have played key roles in our awakening. Working together, while supporting our process. Deconstructing false beliefs, karmic relationships, and external control structures. And, disconnecting us from collective mind control. Everything that was part of the old, illusionary, now crumbling, patriarchal system. In order that we may step into true remembering, authenticity, and higher purpose. And, fulfilling our roles in service to others. As we reflect back on the past 6 years, since the first Pluto-Uranus square, how dramatically our realities have changed. And, our expansion of consciousness surpassed even our previous perceptions. We have been reconnecting & embodying higher consciousness at such a rapid, and unprecedented rate. Uranus & Pluto have been working together. And, where we have Pluto (transiting Capricorn), we have continued to experience deconstruction, purification, and transformation. Where we have Uranus in Taurus (and, Uranus in Aries, from 2011-2018) we are utilizing our embodiment of higher consciousness, in service to others. And, we are at the point now, accordingly to our process, where these areas of our lives (which impact & support our entire ascending realities)...that new foundations are being built, and manifesting in our physical world. But, first we have to completely demolish and clear the faulty, and crumbling foundations (beliefs, programs, and relationships), before building our new realities, and potentials. These potentials are now becoming a reality, with powerful beginnings. Especially as we enter eclipse season. Emotional Intelligence vs. Karmic Misery Programming The water trine has been amplifying our emotional healing on a deep collective level. And, we have been surfacing & releasing unconscious patterns, the illusion of emotional connection (in 3D consciousness), and cycles of karmic suffering. And, as we break free from these illusions, and reconnect with higher human qualities of emotional intelligence, true connection, and responsibility. And, experience balance, peace, and embodiment of krystic qualities. Krystic Qualities Open-Hearted Living Self-compassion Expressing from the heart Receiving with compassion Prioritizing connection Moving beyond "right" and "wrong" to using needs-based assessments and discernment Choice, Responsibility, Peace Taking responsibility for our feelings Taking responsibility for our actions Living in peace with unmet needs ( acceptance)Increasing capacity for meeting needs Increasing capacity for meeting the present moment Sharing Power and Resources (Partnership) Caring equally for everyone’s needs ( Group consciousness) Using force minimally and to protect (defend) rather than to superimpose beliefs, punish, or get what we want without mutual agreement Krystic qualities have also been described in the GSF Behaviors from the ES Guardian Perspective, as the antidote to AD ego behavior resulting from Mind Control programming and lack of knowledge and self-awareness. (reference: There are currently two Grand Trines…in Water, and Earth. Grand Water Trine…Sun/Cancer, Jupiter/Scorpio, Neptune/Pisces Healing karmic patterns, & Emotional intelligence The grand water trine has facilitated a deep process of emotional reflection, and healing, in preparation for eclipse season. This, combined with all the retrograde planets, has been a deeply introspective time. We're now in eclipse season, and portal of accelerations, karmic endings, and powerful new beginnings. This will take us through August (two eclipses in July, and one in August)…and, overlapping with the Lion’s gate (8/8/18). These next 3-4 months will be powerfully transformative. All the work we have been doing, and continue to do, has been leading to this moment. And, as we go forward, through these eclipses, and towards the end of 2018, massive changes are ahead. Grand Earth Trine…Uranus/Taurus, Venus/Virgo, Saturn/Capricorn Embodiment of our higher selves…and New beginnings in our physical realities As a result of our spiritual-emotional work, during the last 6 years, and last few months, we are experiencing another level of dramatic change. Including our physical, and manifested realities. Similar to the lotus, as it makes it way through the mud. And, represents our inner transformation, as we make our way through dark, during this challenging, often painful, and sometimes murky process. Over the years, many of us have been consistently working in the higher time fields, building ascending potentials, to anchor in our manifested world. And, it has often felt like planting seeds in the mud...through layers of density, frequency fences, and heavy resistance. But, this is also the story of the lotus, which feels relevant with this astrological update; and the changes we are about to witness & experience. And, connects with the beautiful story of the lotus. “Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower of happiness grow. There can be no lotus flower without the mud.” —THICH NHAT HANH” "The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest mud" - Buddhist Proverb The lotus flower is one of the most beautiful creations in nature. Its beauty lies in its purity, because this magnificent flower emerges from the bottom of a pond, yet rises above its muddy depths to become a thing of beauty, signifying spiritual elevation and growth. During this eclipse season, and going forward, the lotus is growing through the mud. Retrograde Planets Introspection, Clearing, Preparation We’ve had many planets moving retrograde recently. And, while Jupiter has now stationed direct…we still have Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron all retrograde. This contributes to many things, including a lack of energy, and feelings of physical exhaustion. Especially with Mars retrograde in Aquarius (as we move toward the Aquarius eclipse on July 27). The level of responsibilities, retrograde fatigue, and collective emotional process, can feel heavy right now. But, we are also at the Cancerian solar eclipse, directly following an intensive water trine. Cancer, the cardinal water, and most emotional sign of the zodiac. This eclipse is also directly opposing Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth and transformation. Collectively, we are surfacing our deepest emotions, unconscious patterns, and assortment fears and/or resistance. The retrograde planets have added to this introspection; revisiting karmic cycles, emotional healing, and choices we have made. And, whether perceived as positive or negative, have led us to this now moment. It’s definitely been a very watery, and emotional time. Mars in Aquarius opposite Mercury in Leo Masculine Healing, Breaking free from Illusions and Collective Programs In order to break free from karmic cycles, the divine masculine (within all of us, and collectively) is releasing attachment to the illusionary perception of “normalcy” accordingly to 3D programming. Because “normal” according to karmic timelines, and relationships, has been far from normal. Unless we “think” (via collective mind control) that normal is unhappiness (misery programming), karmic drama (bi-polar, emotional whiplash, and manipulation), and trapped in insanity (doing the same thing over & over again). Karmic dynamics cannot bring happiness, freedom, or love. Because these are programs within the system; serving the opposite agenda. But when understanding, and breaking free, from the insanity of bi-wave cycles (and time loops), they lose their illusionary power. More of the collective are realizing this truth, and actively working to break free. Uranus/Taurus square Mars/Aquarius and North Node/Leo Physical embodiment…and higher purpose Uranus is only at 2º Taurus, and already causing dramatic changes in our physical realities, and Earthly plane. With Uranus squaring Mars and the North Node, amplifying the areas of our lives where we feel blocked, or restricted from expressing our true self, following the path of freedom, or ability to embrace the happiness we seek. Wherever we have felt restricted is about to be eclipsed out of our realities. In order to experience new beginnings, we must release the old. We cannot build on a crumbling foundation. Uranus represents the cosmic mind, outside the Saturnian box of collective mind control. And Uranus doesn’t follow the matrix rules. But, actively works to break all of them; while encouraging us to do the same. Uranus transiting Taurus, supports our embodiment process; and is radically, often unpredictably, changing our physical realities. Breaking through the density of the 3D plane. The North node will remain in Leo until November, guiding us towards our collective true north…towards the Sun, Soul embodiment, and higher self. In November, the North node will move into Cancer. In the higher octave, guiding us towards true emotional connection & intelligence. And, continuing to reconnect with our soul groups, communities of vibrational resonance, and divine unions. After years of ongoing emotional healing, clearing lunar distortions, and breaking free from karmic cycles. Solar Eclipse…20º Cancer Decan 2…ruled by the Moon, Mercury & Mars Sabian symbol 20º Cancer PHASE 110 (CANCER 20°): VENETIAN GONDOLIERS GIVING A SERENADE. KEYNOTE: Happiness as an overtone of social integration and conformity to custom. "Venice can be considered the symbol of a social consciousness risen directly from the unconscious urges of human nature — because the city emerged out of the sea, just as the lotus flower floats on top of the lake, its roots implanted in the bottom mud. The serenading gondoliers "float" over the water, their songs raised to the balconies where the "flower" of consciousness, the beloved, may make her appearance. This play of basic human drives toward acceptance by the consciousness housed in the structures of the ego is performed according to social tradition. Everything plays its part, and man experiences social happiness and a sense of fulfillment." Axis of Polarity for this Solar Eclipse The Sun & Moon, in Cancer… opposite Pluto, in Capricorn (and Lilith at 27º) 4th House…10th House Mother…Father Cancer: I feel…Capricorn: I use Tarot: The Chariot opposite The Devil When we look at the exact opposition during this New Moon Eclipse, which involves Cancer, ruled by the Moon, and Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, we can see the dynamics, archetypes, and bi-wave architecture which has kept humanity recycling on the karmic wheel of inertia, stagnation, and de-evolution. And, with Lilith closely involved during this transit, representing the insertion of “karmic love”, which is an oxymoron. Because “karmic love” actually represents anti-love (and, anti-life) and perpetuates separation. And, standing in the way of our ascension, as we break through the the veils of illusion and mind control of Saturn-Moon matrix, is also Lilith; dark mother, karmic partners, and predatory/interfering presence on-planet. Who has worked consistently to interfere, sabotage, and highjack our ascension, and reunion process. She is fully invested (in her role, NAA), with a sort of “fail safe” technology (like a computer program that refuses deletion). She is an essential part of the NAA, and a divisive weapon, in the war over consciousness. But, she is also a shadow, an inorganic imitation, and program of false love…who will never be the original/organic divine feminine, who embodies true unconditional love. The karmic feminine who represents Lilith (and, dark mother, princess codes, karmic partner) is part of the negative alien agenda, And, her purpose, intention, and negative ego role (and drive) has been total domination of the (unconscious) divine masculine…mental, horizontal field, collective mind control. Simultaneously, the complete annihilation (and artificial replacement) of the divine feminine. However, this has never been ultimately possible. Because while the divine feminine has also been asleep, and reincarnated into painful lifetimes of separation, and karmic experience…on another higher level, she was also waiting, and biding her “time”. Guarding ancient knowledge, and future memories, for her self, her divine counterpart, and, divine reconnection (HG union). And, so she waited, until the window of opportunity…and, the opening of the ascension window. During which a portal of awakening and reconnection would open; supported, and protected by our Guardian families. The return of Christ consciousness…which is also the return of truth, love, and unity consciousness. During our process since 2012, we have been healing our masculine & feminine emotional wounds, karmic patterns, and programs. In order to heal, reclaim inner balance, harmony and HG union. Which is all part of our multifaceted, and multidimensional process of awakening, ascension, and embodiment. For those of us who have been doing the deeply challenging spiritual-emotional work, as well as others following in their own divine timing, we are at the point of divergence. Of karmic disconnection, and separation of worlds. As our ascending potentials, and manifested world, are in a powerful phase of acceleration, transformation, and change. Zero Point Field Zero Point God Matrix Field, the source of our genesis. The central point of union within our Universe projects itself through the Threefold Founder Flame Fields of the 13D-14D-15D Rays (Mother Arc, Father Arc, Christed Child) to create the prism of multidimensional life throughout the Universal time and space fields. The source of the Zero Point field is the infinite energy supply of our God Creator that is contained within All things. Love is a radiating, strengthening and unifying force spiraling into the upward movement towards the central point of Oneness, the Zero Point. The Force of Love naturally aligns itself back into unity with the Zero Point Field, the unified heart of the Universe. The absence of love, or hatred, is a disintegrating, separative and weakening force, which absorbs light and energy away from the central point of Oneness. The more absence of love, the more absence of living light, and as a result, darkness is manifested through the process of fragmentation into successive layers of density. The Krystal Star mission is to unify all creation with Unity consciousness vibration (The Universal Frequency of Love and Cosmic Christos Intelligence) as we can heal the internal separation by synthesizing the polarities of our 3D electromagnetism into the zero point or neutral field. The Zero Point or Neutral field is the heart of the God Matrix, the Energetic Core and Source of all Creation, the Still Point of Wholeness. (reference: ) Comments are closed.
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