Astrology Reports
11/3/2017 November 2017 AstrologyNovember 2017 Astrology
Transits/ Themes: Manifestation beyond the Astral Barrier Healing Childhood Trauma Clearing Patriarchal Distortions, Collective Mind Control, and Karmic Patterns Activating the Divine Human Higher Heart Rebirth through Healing, and Transformation November 4, 2017 Full Moon in Taurus During the full moon in Taurus, the Sun was at 12º/Scorpio opposing the Moon at 12º/Taurus. Which activated the water trine between Sun/Scorpio, Neptune/Pisces, and any personal placements in Cancer. When looking at both the Sun, and Moon, during these transits, each can provide some insight into the bifurcation. And, perhaps, unconscious, vs. conscious, collective process. From a more general astrological perspective, with the Moon in Taurus, there was a focus regarding manifestation. Taurus, an earth sign, is ruled by Venus. However, the Moon, as we know, is a inorganic structure, and part of the Saturn-Moon matrix, mind control system. So, manifestation, from the lower 3D time fields perspective, compared to, above and beyond the astral barrier, is very different. Not only in our perceptions, but our creational, and higher manifestation abilities. When we embody our higher selves, and levels of consciousness, we go beyond the limitations, and artificial constructs, of this 3D reality. What we intend to create, and participate with, during our ascension process, is different from what our physical/inner child selves “thought” they wanted to manifest, (or accepted), prior to our awakening. While, we all want, and intend, to experience true love, happiness, peace, and abundance, including, specifically, our physical lives, and embodiment…this doesn’t happen staying stuck, unconscious, in the lower, 3D, descending time fields. Or, staying bound by karmic, relationships. This includes breaking free from all the ways we have abandoned, and distracted ourselves. Trying to attain, sustain, or satisfy, energetically draining, karmic relationships, and/or partners. So that we can somehow experience love. But, the truth is that karmic relationships are not based on true divine human qualities of unconditional love. They are vampiric, negative programs, of anti-love, anti-HG union software. They are all about triggering, and perpetuating our deepest core wounds. And, until we break free, they only push us further from ourselves, into descending cycles of pain, and self abandonment. We are here to reunite in divine hierogamic union. And, finally, during the end times, end the painful cycles, of amnesia. And, cycles of self abandonment, separation, and anti- love. During our awakening, we are rising from the ashes of hell/karmic cycles, during humanity’s fall, to return/reunite with heaven on earth again. This is part of our rebirth/remembering process, and reconnection with higher time fields; on an individual, collective, and planetary level. And, we awaken from the inside out. This involves our decisions, and choices, right now. Which is not always easy, and can be a fine line. But, we are either returning to self love, or away from it. This is involves the higher octave, and potential, of Jupiter’s transit through Scorpio right now. During humanity’s slumber, we have been disconnected, below the amnesiac barrier. And, our powerful creational energy, has been infiltrated, through the mental plane, and 7th dimensional layer of consciousness. So, essentially, humanity has been the unconscious generator/energy source of this reality. Co-creating, and believing, our own imprisonment. Which is ultimately illusionary, and holographically projected, into this reality. While the external control structures have represented the prison, karmic relationships have represented the prison guards. Collectively, if we continue to seek answers, or validation, from the lower mind, and lower time fields, we would be stuck in the inertia, and descending abyss of collective mind control. Which is where a lot humanity’s thoughts are right now. Trapped in repetitive, non productive (bi-wave), thought cycles, Similar to the collective time loops we’ve been artificially stuck in. However, during our ascension process, we begin to activate, and reconnect, with our higher minds, and higher hearts. And, break free from collective mind control, and implanted, thoughts. And, begin to experience, the most beautiful, and empowering, glimmer of hope, light, and truth, beyond the prison walls. Which is dramatically accelerating right now. From the ES Newsletter “Implanted Thoughts” “Whoever controls an individual’s mind through Implanted Thoughts also gains control over their identity, and the direction of the soul and the consciousness energy of that person. Thus, whoever controls the collective mind of the masses through the premeditated use of covert mind control tactics, such as aiming concealed electromagnetic frequency technologies to transmit Implants into the unaware public, will also gain influence over those individual groups unconscious and conscious thoughts, as well as their motivations, perceptions, and beliefs about the reality.” To read more on this: Out in 3D land, and those aligned/merging with the descending bifurcation, have virtually little access to their own thoughts. It’s no wonder, with the high level of targeting, and highjacking of the collective brain waves, and constant pummeling of lower frequencies, and multilayered levels of mind control technology. It’s very intense out there. For those of us participating with our ascension process, it’s difficult to witness everything happening right now. But, it’s also challenging maintaining our own higher connections, and alignment, during all this. The level of AI/technology, ELF, and splitter/scrambler tech, being bombarded, and targeted, into the collective, and 3D reality, is extreme. As far as manifesting in 3D, or what people perceive as their own manifestation, is more connected to the broadcast system, and mind control. And, what many, in the collective “think” they want to manifest, in the lower time fields, is not based on their own thoughts. But, has been fed/implanted into the collective consciousness stream. I’m reminded, of the stock market ticker tape, scrolling through the market prices. The collective mind control, and implanted thoughts, is sort of similar. Inorganically, scrolling through the planetary, and collective, brain, implanting their thoughts, and so-called manifestation desires, telling people what they “think” they need, or want, on the material plane. As human beings, we are powerful creators. However, part of the mess we are climbing out of, during our awakening, is realizing that humanity has been unconsciously manifesting, while completely asleep. And, helping to co-create our own imprisonment, while being so-called “rewarded” materially, serving the negative ego, and fear (of lack mentality). Round and round, humanity has gone, on the karmic wheel of consumptive modeling, and non-productive, bi-wave, time loops. But we are breaking free from, during our process. Even though the system, may hold on with a death grip (and death culture). The collective/planetary brain is so jam packed within alien machinery, implanted thought patterns, false identities, and just basically, debris and chaos, it’s “mind boggling”. Which is the purpose, and NAA/trans-humanist agenda. And, yet, people, in the collective, line up, when a new phone, or technology rolls out. Anticipating the newest, iPhone, symbolized by the “apple”. There are “smart phones”, “smart meters”, “smart homes”, “smart cars”. Everything, except, increasingly… “smart humans”. November 9, 2017 Lilith in Capricorn (Note: on December 19, Saturn will enter Capricorn) Lilith, symbolically, and archetypically, can be interpreted as part of the dynamics, and inorganic/inserted codes, in karmic relationships. The Garden of Eden, which was/is a very real place, pre-invasion of the planetary logos, involved the story of Adam, Eve, and Lilith. I know that some people, and astrologers, perceive Lilith as the wronged, and discarded, feminine archetype. However, from my awareness, and have witnessed, in the higher time fields, this is not true. Or, at least not exactly in the same way some perceive her. But, this is also part of what we are healing, and gaining clarity, on our path of truth/awakening. Of course, this is from my perspective, and higher guidance, so please only take what resonates. And, keeping in mind there is a range of interpretations surrounding Lilith. Some interpret her as the suppressed, denied, or mistreated, divine feminine. In my awareness, Lilith is the feminine, but not divine/original/organic human. However, she also includes part of our process; while collapsing and breaking free from karmic cycles and inorganic, disempowering projections, and invasions, of the holograph. Lilith is the karmic feminine, and involved in the anti-hierogamic (inorganic) dynamic, and archetype. The karmic dynamics present in this reality, have served to keep true divine partnership in separation. This is part of the painful story of humanity. Which connects to the 7th dimensional plane, and planetary logos (collective mind control). When we understand the feminine karmic partner, or Lilith in this case, she is energetically vampiric. Meaning that she, and karmic dynamics generally, are not self sustaining. They require energy from external sources, and dynamics. And, why karmic dynamics work on drama, pain, suffering, and a constant state of energetic/friction, dissatisfaction, and perpetuating the constant need for more, better, or whatever the case might be, in the ongoing dynamic. Because karmic relationships feed off external energy, and trapped in the bi-wave system. With no direct connection with source energy. They are inorganic, and have nothing to do with the true divine human, and partnership. Divine union works on the tri-wave system, and direct connection with source. They are self-sustaining, and don’t work on the same dynamics, and inorganic/technology, as karmic relationships. karmic relationships are part of misery programming, and collective mind control. This whole process of awakening, during the collective and planetary ascension, requires the removal of inorganic systems, beliefs, and imprisonment. This takes courage, and our ability to heal. We are breaking free from the vampiric system, which runs on humanity’s previously unconscious cycles. Karmic dynamics, and relationships, will never bring happiness. Because the very system (bi-wave) works to keep us stuck, and in a constant state of unhappiness. With the illusionary movement towards happiness through external rewards. Which never actually can, or will ever, bring true happiness, or connection. This sometimes involves taking a hard look at our own patterns, beliefs, and fears. While also reclaiming our own energy, and consciousness, previously trapped, stolen, and/or used to perpetuate/feed the system. Even our incarnation point, at birth, into this system created a reversal. Similar to when a drop of water, falls into a large body of water. Because of the force of that drop, there is a slight reversal that happens. We, as divine humans (and organic/source energy) are those drops, metaphorically speaking, and divine sparks. The karmic partner, which can also be represented as Lilith, or archetype, is connected to that backlash, or reversal, (inorganically) created by the system. This, again, is related to karmic dynamics we are all breaking free from, accordingly to our own agreements, consciousness, and experiences in the timelines. Clearing karmic imprints, negative forms, and holographic inserts. But, until reaching a certain level of higher consciousness, and perspective, it’s difficult to discern between organic and inorganic/artificially generated. If I were to use the symbolism of the “red dress”from the matrix…there are a whole lot of “red dresses” in this reality. During our awakening, we realize, and remember, that true unconditional love, does not inflict pain. It does not seek to distort, manipulate lie, or drain life force energy. It is pure, source energy, and is self sustaining. Unconditional love is always loving, respectful, and honest. It has nothing to do with the lower 3D time fields, and “karma drama” cycles of pain, and suffering. Corinthians 13:4-8 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails…And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But, the greatest of these is love.” November 13: Venus conjunct Jupiter at 7º Scorpio and trine Neptune in Pisces Venus conjunct Jupiter at 7º Scorpio Sabian Symbol: Deep Sea Divers Keynote: The will to explore the hidden depths of all experiences and to search for primordial causes. Depth Realization of the very roots of consciousness Venus has been traveling through the early degrees of Scorpio, approaching Jupiter. On the 13th, they were exactly conjunct. They are still essentially conjunct, only few degrees apart. This has contributed to some of the heavy, dark, and intense energy we may have been feeling, and processing, individually, and/or collectively. Venus conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio, especially the earlier degrees, can potentially feel like falling into the abyss. It’s intense energy. But, can facilitate, in the higher octave, powerful, emotional healing. It can trigger feelings of doubt, sadness, or fear. And, surface our deepest wounds, and experiences, of loss, abandonment, or betrayal. Especially right now, during the collective dark night of the soul. But, it’s purpose, is to bring everything previously suppressed, avoided, or hidden, into our conscious awareness. And, on both an individual, and collective level, we have a lot of emotional wounds to heal. Scorpio is the sign of death, and rebirth. And, we must walk through the darkness, and fire of purification, to reach the other side, of rebirth, and then transformation. This takes great courage, and strength. But, Jupiter, in Scorpio, demands the truth. There is no going around, avoiding, or hiding anything. It can, while in this process, feel like walking through the depths of hell, in order to reach heaven. This is the process, of Jupiter in Scorpio. And, involves facing our deepest wounds. Which includes our painful childhood memories, and experiences. And, all the ways we were abused, neglected, abandoned, and felt alone. November 15, 2017 Saturn moves to 26º Sagittarius, Galactic Center November 15, Saturn moved to 26 Sagittarius, galactic center; squaring Chiron 24 Pisces Saturn at 26 Sagittarius squaring Chiron in Pisces. This transit, with so much energy simultaneously in Scorpio, is surfacing issues, and wounds, around patriarchal mind control, beliefs, and programming. And, demands of the FKOT/enslavement program. Which again, connects with karmic dynamics. Because feminine karmic/dynamics, can directly trigger childhood, paternal wounds, and implants, around perceived expectations, by the FKOT. It’s a heavy duty mind control program. Saturn, in evolutionary astrology, represents our biological fathers . But also the patriarchy, and false, implanted beliefs, and distortions around masculinity. Saturn is of course, the satanic, mind control headquarters. Squaring Chiron, makes it more intense. Amplifying our deepest wounds, around truth, freedom, restriction, disappointment, and perceived failure. Which is not actually failure, but death of the negative ego, control structures, and disconnection from 3D karmic timelines. If we are feeling this energy, regardless of where we are in this process, it’s positive. Because it means we are not numb, or disconnected. And, participating with the awakening process. Moving towards the ascending bifurcation spiral. NOVEMBER 18, 2017 New Moon in Scorpio Sun & Moon at 26º Scorpio Mars/Libra will be opposing Uranus in Aries, squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury, in Sagittarius, will be squaring Neptune in Pisces Mercury will be at 17º Sagittarius Sabian Symbol: An Easter Sunrise Service draws a large crowd. Keynote: The culturally stimulated longing for group participation in a process of rebirth. Keywords: Rebirth, spirituality, purity, Neptune will be at 11 Pisces Sabian symbol: Men traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination. Keynote: The capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality. Keywords: spirituality, faith,wisdom Today, November 18, during the New Moon, in Scorpio, we have a huge amount of energy, and transits, in Scorpio. With Jupiter, Venus, the Sun and Moon, all in this deep, watery depths of Scorpio. The sign of death, rebirth, and transformation. While, Jupiter and Venus will be trine Neptune. The current astrology is triggering, and revealing, many uncomfortable, and challenging truths. About ourselves, humanity, and the greater truth of our reality. During this New Moon, Jupiter is only in the early degrees of Scorpio, but already on the world stage, more is being be revealed. Including, mainstream media starting to reveal previously hidden activities, regarding pedophilia, sexual abuse, crimes against children, and crimes against humanity, as a whole. There is also some disclosure happening, although largely, as usual, through media, and shows, like “Stranger Things”, starting to reveal the shadow government’s involvement, covert participation, with abductions, abuse, MILAB, and various projects, such as MK Ultra. Which is a lot more prevalent, and widespread, then people yet realize. With all that is increasingly being revealed regarding the targeting, and traumatization, of children, this is simultaneously surfacing our own childhood wounds. And, experiences of abuse, during our childhoods, on multiple levels, and dimensions, that have directly contributed to our karmic situations, and painful cycles, of self abandonment, neglect, and lack of self love. When we start to wake up, to the truth of humanity’s history, it’s extremely painful. Humanity has been abused, manipulated, and deceived, on many levels. However, while the planetary, and collective brain, has been hacked, and manipulated, by the NAA and AI/vampiric inorganic consciousness, there is one thing that can never be hacked…the human heart. It is the human heart, that has continued to protect humanity, maintain our divine connection, and ultimately, facilitate our remembering process. It’s the one thing that the NAA, and AI, vampiric consciousness can never access, or artificially replicate. It’s also what they fear the most. It’s our higher human hearts, which ultimately beat as one, that holds the key to everything. It’s the key to our ascension, reconnection, and reunion process. Our capacity to express & receive unconditional love, to be unconditional love, in zero point…is our greatest, most powerful, and impenetrable, weapon during this war over consciousness. Comments are closed.
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