Astrology Reports
2/15/2018 Partial Solar Eclipse in AquariusFebruary 15, 2018
Partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius Sun & Moon at 27º Aquarius Mercury at 25º Aquarius Our True North The Reconnection of our Higher Heart & Higher Mind During this eclipse the Sun, Moon, and Mercury are all conjunct in Aquarius. While Mercury represents the lower mind, and collective thought patterns, Uranus is the higher mind. This Uranian eclipse represents a dramatic bolt of electricity charge aimed towards the planetary brain, and collective consciousness. The thought patterns in the lower mind, and time fields of collective mind control, are experiencing powerful electrical activations of energy and higher consciousness. For those still attached to 3D reality, and mindset of linear time, it may be more challenging, but also liberating. These activations are pushing us further into breakthroughs of awakening, beyond the construct of time. Uranus is the liberator, awakener, and continues to send sudden bolts of electricity to wake up the collective consciousness. This eclipse represents the next stage of activation and reconnection of the higher mind & higher heart. Supporting our process of ascension and HG union. During our process, we heal/clear the emotional pain, trauma, and technology, which has broken the human heart, and stunted human evolution. But the human heart is very strong. And, during our ascension process, we heal emotionally, raise in frequency, and reconnect with higher consciousness. And ascend beyond the astral barrier, of misery programming and mind control, in the lower timelines. For those of us on the ascending path, our embodiment process has been very accelerated. Which is supportive during these Uranian activations. It’s sort of like having the benefit of a grounding cord during an electrical storm. And, while these Aquarius/Uranian activations impact darkness (and collective unconscious) by clearing away density, they also amplify and support the light. Because these electrical activations, and waves of higher frequency, also serve as conduits, supporting our ascension process. During this eclipse there are several squares happening in the astrology. Sun/Moon/Mercury in Aquarius squaring Jupiter in Scorpio The Sun, Moon, and Mercury, all in Aquarius during this eclipse are squaring Jupiter in Scorpio. Which means that everything is being magnified. It also represents that during this eclipse, involving highly charged activations, highlighting and revealing our deepest emotional wounds, fears, and areas of resistance. Healing childhood memories, and emotional pain, is part of our collective process during this transit. And, while we are in this process together, it can feel very personal right now. Depending on where we are in our process, and depth of our emotional wounds. And, how far we must travel, in frequency and time, in order to heal. But, ultimately it’s the same path. To face our own emotional wounds, and shadow, in order to transcend, and find our way home to the light. And, there is incredible support and light flooding the planet, in a most powerful & profound way. As Jupiter continues it’s transit through Scorpio, and collectively we are in the dark night of the soul, we are forced to face our shadows, our fears, and deepest emotional wounds. Everything that was previously hidden, suppressed, or avoided, continues to be revealed. And, brought into our conscious awareness, for healing, integration, and transformation. Mars/Sagittarius squaring Neptune/Pisces Mars is currently in the sign of Sagittarius, and squaring Neptune in Pisces. Neptune and Uranus are working separately, but also together during this transit. Through the simultaneously activations of awakening, while also breaking through the dimensional barriers of collective mind control. As Uranus supports the awakening process, sending high frequency electrical currents into the planetary brain, Mars squares Neptune, being forced to see the truth. Breaking free from the illusions and deceptions of the 3D world. Waking up from the dream, and perceptions of reality, which were inserted into the collective brain through artificial technology. The reins of control, which helped support the NAA, and their various control structures, in a more personalized way, often in the hands of karmic partners. Karmic dynamics have served as anti-HG technology and used to anesthetize the population with false concept of love, based on programming. Neptune represents an incredibly beautiful, dreamy, and creative energy. But, also, at times elusive, conflicting, and paradoxical. With a wide range of octaves and potentials. Neptune has been involved in our awakening process, and continues in the astrology. The energy and consciousness of Neptune holds such beauty, and dreams of love, idealism, compassion and unity. However, on the lower octave, it also represents delusion, deception and manipulation. But, this is the nature of Neptune, and sign of Pisces. Which is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Finding the center point, between these Neptunian polarities, is important to understand, and discern. While this is an extremely powerful Uranian eclipse, happening in the sign of Aquarius, it also has a strong Neptunian aspect. While Uranus and Neptune are working separately, and hold very different energy/consciousness, they also work together. In a very powerful, and necessary way. Supporting the collective process, to break free and wake up from the illusionary, and artificial dream state. Humanity, as a whole, has unlimited creative potential. However, since the planetary invasion, and fall of humanity, we have not been dreaming, or creating, in an authentic, or natural way. While disconnected from higher consciousness, asleep, and trapped in time loops. Unconsciously co-creating our own imprisonment. Uranus, and Neptune, are both assisting humanity to wake up, remember who we are, and begin manifesting from a place of higher consciousness. To step into true authenticity and empowerment in alignment with our higher selves. Neptune is helping us to heal our hearts. Breaking through the illusions, and deceptions, of the 3D world. While holding onto our most beautiful dreams of the future, our inner knowing, and awareness of the higher time fields. Venus conjunct Neptune February 21, 2018 Venus conjunct Chiron March 4, 2018 Venus is currently in the early degrees of Pisces. During the next couple weeks, Venus will first conjunct Neptune, on February 21, then Chiron, on March 4. This represents the divine feminine process, within all of us, revisiting her/our most beautiful dreams of the future, in the higher timelines. Our visions and memories of true love, beauty, and divine union. And, connection to all, in unity consciousness. But also requires we emotionally heal, and release attachments to karmic pain cycles of self abandonment, disconnection and collective mind control. Including hero-savior (v/v) programming. Which can be the lower octave distortion, and karmic manipulation. Vertical Axis During the fall, separation from higher consciousness, and splitting of divine union, humanity has been trapped in cycles of amnesia and disconnection. During these dark cycles unable to recognize ourselves, and divine union. Continuing to play out, and identify with these karmic stories in the lower time fields. Which have kept us stuck in cycles of heartbreak. However, these karmic roles and experiences never represented who we really are. As we wake up, we remember this truth. And, karmic dynamics, of consciousness imprisonment, no longer have any negative hold over us. But, until we are embodied on a soul level, which is happening collectively now, it’s like seeking an external connection, and sense of belonging and love, with a broken compass. As we know, the Earth’s vertical axis has been off by 23 degrees. Which is not natural, or original. During karmic timelines, this represents humanity’s search for love according to a damaged, off-kilter vertical placement. The divine masculine, and horizontal mental plane, has been highjacked towards the artificially controlled 23 tilt of karmic relationships. While the divine feminine, and our true vertical connection, left abandoned, and artificially disconnected. Unrecognizable during the karmic cycles, because she wasn’t on the map of this damaged architecture, and diversion of NAA control. But, this is also changing, and being corrected, as we continue with our ascension process, reconnection with higher consciousness, and building new architecture of hierogamic union. Axis of the Earth/Number 23 Our divine compass, which is our True North, guides us on the straight vertical path of ascension. The path of truth, sovereignty and liberation. And, freedom from the diverted karmic path of pain, suffering, and disconnection from higher consciousness. During our collective awakening we are remembering our true north…and finding our way home. To ourselves, divine union, and unconditional love. Hierogamic union, which is a reunion and reclamation process, involves the activation and reconnection of our higher heart & higher mind. Karmic dynamics and relationships will never access higher consciousness because they are vibrationally bound to the lower time fields. And, part of the programming and consciousness traps in the 3D timelines. They connect with the lower 3 chakras, and feed into fear programming, sexual misery, disempowerment, and collective mind control. They have been part of the negative agenda, and vampiric consciousness, that has imprisoned and fed off humanity’s pain and suffering during the reincarnation cycle. These lower 3 chakras begin to dissolve as we heal emotionally and break free from collective mind control. Karma Drama One of the dynamics we are healing from, as it relates to karmic timelines, are the patterns and cycles of drama. Which has been a big part of karmic relationships. By their very nature, karmic dynamics are part of the collective programming. And, have kept us spinning out in the horizontal field, by the constant demands, drama, and chaos. Keeping us exhausted, and externally focused, so that we have no time for ourselves. Or, to be fully present. Which is the whole purpose. Keeping us in a state of self abandonment, and 3D programming. Distracted, and diverted from our self/center/now moment. Neptune and Uranus…Higher Heart & Heart Mind Reconnection As we heal our astral heart, and reconnect with our higher heart, we also break free from the lower mind, and time fields, of collective mind control. The ascension cycle represents a massive deconstruction, reconstruction, and reconnection project. This is all relevant now and represented in the astrology. Uranus is very powerful, unsentimental, and directly involved in the awakening of humanity. Uranus is certainly not subtle, or gentle. And, can be extremely unpredictable. However, dramatically supports our ability to step into fearless authenticity, with courage and determination. To be the change we have been waiting for, and agreed to be, when incarnating during the ascension cycle. And, Uranus continues to generate these ascending waves of highly charged energy and electrical currents, aimed at the awakening of collective consciousness. Neptune is also working to assist humanity, as we heal emotionally from the illusions and deceptions of the 3D world. As we release attachments to these illusions, and previously unconscious patterns, we transcend from the lower octaves of Neptune to the higher. As we continue along our awakening path, with inner knowing, and higher vision. We also tap into future memories of a reality that already exists beyond the constructs of time, limitation, or illusion in the fallen 3D timelines. Sabian symbol for Aquarius 27º PHASE 327 (AQUARIUS 27°): [b]AN ANCIENT POTTERY BOWL FILLED WITH FRESH VIOLETS[/b]. KEYNOTE: The importance of traditional skills and artistic values deeply rooted in man's instinctive feelings as frames of reference for man's most authentic emotions. Comments are closed.
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