Astrology Reports
10/7/2018 September-October 2018September - October 2018
Divine Justice - Cosmic Sovereign Law Clearing the Smoke & Mirrors of the Black Magic Grid Spiritual Warrior - Return to Love Autumnal Equinox - September 22, 2018 Libra - Cardinal Cross - Divine Justice The equinox activates the world axis, and cardinal cross, when the Sun transits into the sign of Libra. Based on the northern hemisphere, the autumn equinox initiates the beginning of the fall, as the Sun begins it’s descent during Libra towards the astrological death phase of Scorpio, at the end of October. The cardinal sign of Libra, represents seasonal transition, and brand new beginnings. Activating the cardinal cross in the astrological wheel. Initiating change of season, perspective, and potential timelines. And, world stage. The controllers obviously utilize the astrology for their negative purposes; and manipulation. All branches of the NAA, follow the transits, and energetic access points, to highjack the collective consciousness. To maintain the status quo of artificial control, and black magic grid. And, derail timelines through the distractions, and chaos, of the horizontal field. As we know, these activated cross/grid points, have been used against the collective, through the insertion of armageddon software, and holographic technology. These transitional vortexes of increased energy, including seasonal shifts, also reinforce the collective perception of the death cycle mindset. Which is obviously completely unnatural, and part of the anti-life “time” technology. These illusions, and black magic spells, have perpetuated the artificial death cycles, feeding a vampiric consciousness. Clearly, those of us awake and aware, know this. However, during Jupiter’s transit, more is being revealed to the collective, as a whole. Jupiter has been in Scorpio, traveling through the underworld; revealing our deepest fears, emotional wounds, and dark history, while asleep and unconscious during the reincarnation cycle. And, Jupiter is about to transit into Sagittarius, the sign of truth, freedom, and higher cosmic mind. Sagittarius is also a mutable fire sign, of purification, and transformation. We are witnessing the disclosure happening all around us; in various, and increasing ways. As all is revealed in the light. Disclosure, through the acceleration of light, continues to reveal the dark, and what has been hidden just beneath the surface of our collective awareness. These are deeply painful truths, on so many levels. Both, individually and collectively. And, part of disclosure involves revelations within interpersonal relationships; especially karmic. The karmic field is an important layer of illusion and NAA control; constantly diverting us from center; away from our core selves, and zero point. Keeping us distracted in the inertia of bi-wave, where there’s no real life, no real love, and no access point out. Karmic programs are connected to the black magic grid; inserted into our realities, for various reasons. When we begin to awaken, we start realizing that everything around us is not as it seems. And, what begins as initial understanding of the strangeness of this reality, it only continues to get stranger. The whole topic of karmic relationships, inserts, negative forms, AI programs, and a whole host of extreme weirdness, becomes clearer. Because we are becoming clear within ourselves, as we break free. While the discussion of karmic situations, and relationships, can go into different directions, they are part of the programming. Karmic programs have also been set (“set” through black magic “time” system) to block, and interfere with our ascension process. To keep us in separation, and anti-hierogamic stagnation. Especially, and specifically, those of us here for this reason. As part of our ascension, and vertical reconnection process. These situations inserted into our realities, act as splitter tech, and frequency “time” bombs. And, false mirrors, based on wounds, implants and fear. Absolutely nothing to do with love. And, essentially, like another layer of ELF technology, and low frequency net, to capture organic consciousness into the black magic web of AI timelines. However, through the acceleration of light, and return of Christ consciousness, divine justice is here. Cosmic sovereign law. During our expansion, and re-membering process, we increasingly have access to a more unified field. Which includes the astrology, from a multidimensional perspective. And, part of our mission, as conscious co-creators, is overriding timelines, and NAA attempts to divert the collective consciousness into a descending spiral. Understanding how the controllers have manipulated energy, through the astrological transits, is part of understanding the system. And, mastering the matrix, as we embody higher consciousness. Astrological Crosses…cardinal, fixed, and mutable In astrology, there are three major crosses, cardinal, fixed, and mutable. These crosses can be interpreted in various ways, but certainly represent points of amplification, and vortexes of energetic potential. During the progressed astrological cycle, there’s a set pattern, and sequence. All part of the repetitive cycle of groundhog day, and Saturn-Moon matrix. However, for those of us ascending, we are also mastering the system, as we awaken from within. Breaking through the black magic grid, as pillars of light, through our vertical channel. And, astrology assists us, when understanding the larger picture. When combining the signs, seasons, elements and energetic signatures of the zodiac, as a whole. And, how the matrix has been run, through progressed cycles, and manifestation potential in 3rd dimensional reality. Of course, humanity has been unconsciously manifesting, while trapped below the astral barrier. Accessing such a tiny portion of our infinite potential. Meanwhile, the controllers have highjacked all that massive energy. In a way, it’s been similar to a hostage situation. And, also why our Guardian families are here, at the end of the ascension cycle. And, we, as representatives, and children of the Sun, are participating with this process. Aries Full Moon - September 25, 2018 Spiritual Warrior - Return to Love In astrology, Aries represents the “self”. The first sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mars. Representing who we are, as an individual, in this reality. Aries is a masculine sign, and can be interpreted as our first step of individualization in the manifested world. The experience of separation, and ego identification. Aries is considered the youngest, least mature, of all the signs; Pisces, the eldest, through accumulation of experience, and reincarnation cycle. The lower octave of Aries is completely unconscious, impulsive, and resistant to collaboration. With the inability to perceive others’ needs, or feelings; lacking in empathy and compassion. The archetype of Aries, in it’s lowest frequency, is self absorption, focus on physicality, and base needs of the lower chakras. Connected to fear, survival, and competition. Representing the negative ego, and disconnection from higher consciousness; trapped in FKOT programming, divide & conquer, and patriarchal mindset. The higher octave, more evolved Aries archetype, is the spiritual warrior. Having the courage to speak the truth, and stand on the front line of battle, with courage, and determination. The polarity of Aries on the astrological wheel is Libra. When these archetypes are in balance, and meet in the middle, they move towards balance, harmony, and peace. Representing the spiritual warrior of truth, freedom, and divine justice. Beyond the distortions and inversions of the fallen world; aligned with cosmic sovereign law. Venus retrograde - 10º Scorpio October 5 - November 15, 2018 40 days & 40 nights Venus will retrograde October 5 at 10º Scorpio. And, last until November 15, when Venus goes direct at 25º Libra Sabian Symbols 10º Scorpio PHASE 220 (SCORPIO 10°): A FELLOWSHIP SUPPER REUNITES OLD COMRADES. KEYNOTE: The overtones of human relationships based on a community of work or experiences. 25º Libra PHASE 205 (LIBRA 25°): THE SIGHT OF AN AUTUMN LEAF BRINGS TO A PILGRIM THE SUDDEN REVELATION OF THE MYSTERY OF LIFE AND DEATH. KEYNOTE: The ability to discover in every experience a transcendent or cosmic meaning. Jupiter’s Transit…Scorpio to Sagittarius On October 5, Venus, ruler of Libra, retrogrades in the sign of Scorpio. Jupiter, the planet of truth, knowledge, and expansion, has been transiting Scorpio since October 2017. And, will transit home to Sagittarius next month. This will be a powerful, and benevolent transit. Supporting the process of disclosure, and revelation. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, represents the path of the cosmic mind, truth, and freedom. A very altruistic and idealist sign, related to philosophy, expansion, and understanding beyond the limitations of 3rd dimensional consciousness. Astrologically, no sign facilitates the distillation of truth, and higher mind, more than Sagittarius. Especially after Jupiter has been traveling through the underworld of Scorpio. Revealing the subconscious mind, and initiating the dark night process, for the last year. Venus Retrograde Clearing the Smoke & Mirrors of the Black Magic Grid Revelations of Truth - Collapse of the Dark Return to Love During the Venus retrograde, the feminine is traveling through the underworld of the subconscious mind. Witnessing the fall of humanity through collective trauma, fragmentation, and insertion of karmic cycles. This is an extremely transformation transit. Seeing beyond the illusions and false mirrors of the black magic grid.High frequency waves, and light code transmissions, revealing all that has been hidden below the surface of the collective mind. Facing the darkness of our own fears…guided by the light of truth. Releasing karmic attachments, and return to our true mirrors. Our true reflection, and who we really are, free from the distortions, programs, and black magic spell of karmic mirrors. Awakening from within the dream. Venus retrograde is happening as Jupiter approaches the end of it’s transit through Scorpio. Which initiated more of the collective into their dark night of the soul. Revisiting our deepest wounds of heartbreak, loss, and aloneness. Venus retrograde in Scorpio is about transformation, and the return to love. Clearing karmic deception, and cycles of trauma, during our fall into separation. Remembering that we are worthy of love. Because we are love. We just forgot while asleep in the illusion, and black magic spell of karmic cycles. I thought I’d share a little bit of a recent experience, and part of my subconscious/review work. We are Children of the Sun I was traveling through our collective subconscious, which then shifted/clarified into time fields. It started in 7D, Gaia before the invasion. I was with my/our true spiritual family, and we were all standing together in a huge circle. I heard the clear message, deep within my heart. We were children of the Sun. There was no fear, or pain, only unity, happiness and joy. This was profoundly beautiful. My experience continued to descend further into density, and progressive darkness. Wherever I jumped into 5D, was essentially chaos. We were still connected to higher consciousness, and unity, but it was crumbling, and exploding. Descending into fragmentation. I continued working my way through the time fields, as the experiences became darker, and heavier. Witnessing various timelines, and shifts into density. Until I dropped into total darkness. At that point, I was all alone; in a void of total darkness. This rapid progression into density was an opportunity for reflection; and review some of the work we have been doing since our activation. As starseeds, and children of the Sun, we are time travelers, grid workers, and powerful co-creators. As we remember & reconnect with who we truly are. I’m sharing this because it’s connected to our collective process right now, and Jupiter and Venus in Scorpio. I was also recently thinking about all the attempts to derail this process. Through misinformation, confusion, and anti-ascension propaganda. When really (although, obviously over-simplified), we are basically climbing out of the dark. And, out of the aloneness of separation. Reuniting with true love through all dimensional layers. Following the light of the Sun, of Christ consciousness, and reconnecting with our true family. New Moon in Libra October 8, 2018 15º Libra The Sacred Journey Home…HG Union…Zero Point Field Sun & Moon 15 Libra T-Square - Uranus, Mars, and Venus Our process of inner reflection, and subconscious clearing, continues through the New Moon in Libra, ruled by Venus. The Sun and Moon will be at 15 degrees Libra. It’s interesting to note that this transit lands exactly in the middle of Libra, in a sign which represents balance, and equal partnership. During this transit there will be a fixed t-square between Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Aquarius, and Venus in Scorpio. Uranus is currently moving retrograde, Mars is just coming out of shadow, after an intensive retrograde since June, and Venus just starting going retrograde on October 5. Mars is still conjunct the South Node, and Lilith, in Aquarius (Lilith and the South Node are directly involved in this square). Mars, Lilith, and South Node in Aquarius These placements represents so much, but I’ll try to focus on the most important. First, Mars conjunct Lilith and the South Node, in the sign of Aquarius, after a most difficult, and stressful Mars retrograde, represents the challenges, karmic opposition, and exhaustion, the masculine has found challenging in recent months. Representing part of our collective healing process, and breaking free from the chains that bind us (karmic programs, cords, and implants). There can be huge resistance from the karmic field, part of the black magic grid. Because they also need us, as energetic food source, to feed the system. Lilith, the dark mother, and false human prototype (reptilian agenda) is part of this resistance. Driving a wedge between the union of opposites; causing chaos, and drama. Inserting bi-wave diversions, and exhaustion, on the path home to love. With Lilith next to Mars and South node, this represents the karmic agenda, part of the system, to maintain the “status quo”. Keeping us trapped in cycles, chasing the Saturnian time clock, and stagnation of 3D inertia. This is the matrix system of groundhog day. Where everyone runs around meeting constant demands, obligations, and responsibilities. But, nothing is really ever achieved. There’s always more to do, greater demands, and increased expectations. The goal post is always just out of reach, on the false horizon, which doesn’t actually exists. This is part of the programming of 3D reality, and karmic relationships…false mirrors, false horizons, and false promises. The sign of Libra in the higher octave represents harmony, balance, and partnership. On the ascending path, Libra also represents divine justice, and reunion of opposites. The sacred rebalancing, polarity integration, and moving towards zero point. Awakening from within, guided by the light of truth. As we climb out of the black hole of separation; and break free from the black magic spell, and grid system, of NAA control, and Saturn-Moon matrix. Waking up from within the dream. As we heal our past…reconnect with our future…and bring all into the NOW moment. Zero point field. We are Love ❤️ Comments are closed.
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